Six Ages Wiki


Wandering trolls have uprooted and eaten your yarm tree. Yarm trees, sacred gifts from the solar gods, yield several different fruits. Losing your yarm tree is a disgrace, inviting mockery from your fellow Riders. To grow a new one you must acquire a cutting from a living yarm and graft it onto the roots of an ordinary fruit tree.
  1. Ask another Rider clan for a cutting.
  2. Hunt for and attack the trolls.
  3. Send a mission outside the valley to find a cutting.
  4. Steal a cutting from another Rider clan.

Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind


At the start of the event, your Mood is loweres and you lose some Magic.

If you simply ask for a cutting, there's a risk that the clan you ask will spread news of your misfortune.

A mission outside the valley will likely be successful, even though it may take a long time. Also, outside clans won't care about your disgrace, so your reputation will be safe.

Stealing a cutting is difficult; there's a high chance of being discovered. Success, however, will raise your Mood again.


  • "Fighting trolls is much riskier than stealing from neighbors or exploring outside the valley. If you're lucky enough to find them."
  • "All yarm trees now alive were grafted from cuttings taken from the tree Anaxial took on the boat that saved the solar peoples from the great flood."
  • "The yarm tree symbolises solar continuity far from the imperial homeland. Our Sacred Time magic favors attacking trolls or stealing a cutting."
  • "The first yarms were grafted from the living wood of Anaxial's Ark."
  • "We could ask a neighbor for a yarm cutting, but then everyone would know, greatly damaging our reputation."
  • "The loss of this holy necessity has greatly harmed morale."
  • "It could have been worse. They could have eaten our goats." - Goat-loving circle member