Six Ages Wiki


On their journey to the north, <Explorer> and company enter a thick fog. Soon they are lost, and gripped with the feeling that they have left the map and perhaps the world. They encounter strange feather-wearing shamans. "Oh ho? Can it be? Folk of Berenstead, which so long ago was destroyed? Still surviving in the dead world, where only Raven lives?" After much confusing talk, they describe themselves as Yanadlings, followers of the old Trickster spirit you dealt with when you were Riders. Their leader mentions a number of blessings they might bestow, to aid you now that Chaos has eaten everything.
  1. Give us a treasure.
  2. Give us a spirit.
  3. Give us gold.
  4. Give us stealthiness.
  5. Help us instill bravery.
  6. Help us overcome skepticism.
  7. Hone our senses.
  8. "Just show us a way out of this fog."

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out

Not all options are necessarily available.


If you ask them to give you a treasure, they will do so. However, Raven's gift must also be balanced with a curse. Until the next time you stumble into the fog of the dead world, you will have trouble dealing with other valley residents.

If you ask them to give you a spirit, they will do so. However, Raven's gift must also be balanced with a curse. Until the next time you stumble into the fog of the dead world, you will have trouble dealing with your own people.

If you choose help us instill bravery, they do this, saying the blessing will last until the next time we stumble into the dead world of the future.

If you choose hone our senses, they do this, saying your eyes and ears will remain sharper until the next time we stumble into the dead world of the future.


  • "This is no ordinary fog."
  • "Greedy requests will require their trickster to curse us."
  • "Only the greediest requests will require their trickster to curse us."