Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki


One of your herders spotted trolls in your wildlands. They were wounded, but by who or what, he couldn’t say. Any single troll is more than a match for three strong warriors. But if they’re hurt, those odds surely change.
  1. Ask them what attacked them.
  2. Attack them.
  3. Conduct a divination to find out what attacked them.
  4. Offer them healing.
  5. Do nothing.

Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind


If you choose to heal the trolls, sending a persuasive noble with a large escort usually works well. If the trolls accept your aid, they will give you a treasure, the No Hunger Doll. Of course, keep in mind that if the trolls are your ancestral enemies, you will suffer the displeasure of your ancestors if you try to aid them. And sometimes the trolls will refuse your aid, saying that humans are their ancestral enemies...

If you conduct a divination, you may find out what attacked the trolls, but they will die before you are done. 


A simplified version of this event occurs in the tutorial if you chose the trolls as your ancestral enemies, with fewer options shown and only one (attack) actually clickable.


  • "Healing mercy is not just for us." - Erissa worshiper
  • "Trolls sometimes eat people, but sometimes try to trade with them." - Ekarna worshiper
  • "When there is a mystery, we must solve it." - Relandar worshiper
  • "If you look at our story tent, you'll see how trolls ate our herds, again and again."
  • "Let us not decide in haste."
  • "Whatever the rest of you decide."