Six Ages Wiki


The predicted final doom arrives. The gorp that has plagued the valley for so long suddenly surges toward Berenstead. Its initial wave kills about a third of your people, and all your livestock. Among those killed instantly by the gorp flood are <X>, <Y>, and <Z>. The rest of the clan holes up for a while in the citadel, before gorp eventually swallows it. A small group attempts escape, but only one makes it to solid ground.

Who survives?


“If only we had fought harder to prevent the gorp from taking hold,” <Survivor> thinks, surveying what was once the valley, and is now a vast lake of caustic goo. The poisoned sky overhead turns black. The sun can no longer be seen, and no longer warms the world. As the ravaged divine realm collapses onto what was once the mortal world, <Survivor> considers the one thing <he/she> was able to take from Berenstead before fleeing the gorp.

  1. A battered drum.
  2. A scrap of your story tapestry.
  3. A coin.
  4. The king’s crown.
  5. The last sword.
  6. The last horse, which had miraculously survived.
  7. The last calf, which had somehow survived.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


The object or animal you take out of Berenstead may be useful in the dead world.

If you choose the sword and Kerenna or Korestene slew Undeath's Herald, your chosen survivor will gain combat prowess equal to Kerenna/Korestene's:

In picking up the sword that <Kerenna/Korestene> had passed to the king before dying, <Survivor> was infused with the fighting prowess of that honorable warrior, who had died completing her destiny.



The image changes to this one for the follow-up choice.

The three dead leaders mentioned first are chosen at random.


  • "A king without a kingdom may still wear a crown." - Iverlantho
  • "As a lone wanderer I shall seek to redeem my failures as a king." - Venef
  • "A terrible land of strange wonders lies before me." - Erenlanth
  • "Another home lost to Chaos!" - Vestantes Refugee Leader
  • "There may be nothing left, but I still need to go see." - Reda or Rodene
  • "Chaos destroyed Berenstead. In turn I must destroy it."
  • "Maybe we should have gathered the regalia after all."
  • "At least it wasn’t undead that did us in."
  • "At least all the nearby Wheels died too."
  • "The Beren Age has ended. The Gorp Age has begun."
  • "The mortal and divine realms have become one. Everyday life and logic have died."
  • "A glacier ended Nivorah. A gorp wave ended Berenstead."
  • "If I break this Chaos illusion, all will return to normalcy."
  • "Imagine if we’d spent our last years reestablishing a tribe, and then this."
  • "They called me fearful, but I knew enough to run!"
  • "I still can’t believe it all came crashing down like that."
  • "The gods are dead, and now Berenstead is too."
  • "I must prepare a shattered world for the divine awakening."
  • "A clan ready to hear harsh truths would have forestalled this."
  • "We should have done nothing but stamp out gorp."
  • "With no clan to hold me back, I shall now perform my greatest deeds."
  • "Men should have taken care of the gorp problem."
  • "Nattering women caused us to focus on idle matters, when we should have cared about gorp, gorp, gorp."
  • "Without a clan I am lost."
  • "Of Wakboth’s horde, gorp is hardest to fight." - Urox worshipper
  • "The gorp crept slowly for so many years, then multiplied all at once."