“ | A delegation from the <Wheel> clan appears at your gate<, begging for assistance>. <They are Chariot People, a once-widespread culture who, like your Rider ancestors, lived long ago in an ancient golden city. When Redalda converted you to Orlanth worship, the commonalities you had with them became ever less relevant.> <Their need <is/must be> great, since in King Brolarulf's day, your clan won a defining victory against the Wheel people.>
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
The reference to Brolarulf appears only if you chose to raid the Wheels back during the prologue.
If you grant ceremonial aid, clan magic is taxed. You call a blessing of Elmal into their ritual receptacle. They thank you and say they would praise you to their gods. Mood might, or might now, go down.
If you politely decline, they may understand, expressing that every clan has to look after itself first before helping others.
- "Kings may do each other favors." - Iverlantho, if the clan asking is the royal Wheel clan
- "They are not my subjects. They are trash." - Iverlantho alternate
- "No need to antagonize them." - Venef
- "They're one insult shy of declaring a feud against us." - Reda/Diplomat
- "Like our Rider ancestors, the <Wheel>s worshipped the sun from the very beginning." - Ancestors worshiper
- "I have many insults to use against Wheels, sharp as a crow's beak, stinging as a scorpion's tail." - Eurmal trickster
- "Before the ice, before the coming of the horse, living together in Nivorah, the Golden City."
- "They mean nothing to us now."
- "Treated right, they might join us against Chaos."
- "Beren befriended some Wheels and fought others."
- "Nothing is more useless than a one-wheeled chariot."
- "A rite <shouldn't/won't> unduly tax our clan magic <- if we do it right>."
- "We both worship the sun god Elmal, but in different ways."
- "Spent temple essence cannot be reliably regained."
- "I can let them down gently."
- "We are duty bound to send them packing."
- "Ask them if they've seen our royal regalia. No, don't."