Six Ages Wiki


A delegation from the <Wheel> clan arrives to call in a favor you owe them. They are Wheel people, a once-widespread culture who, like your Rider ancestors, lived long ago in an ancient golden city. When Redalda converted your clan to Orlanth worship, the commonalities with them became ever less relevant.

"We understand the <favor-owing> clan owe you a favor. We request you secure the return of an idol they looted from our shrine to Samnal."

  1. Agree.
  2. Offer 20 cows instead.
  3. "They will not receive this request favorably."
  4. "We will discharge the favor in another way, at another time."

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you agree and send the right emissary, the clan might immediately return the stolen idol. You might earn the esteem of both clans for this minimal-cost effort. However, if you fail, you will have annoyed them for nothing, and Mood drops.


  • "Our royal prestige brings them here." - Iverlantho
  • "I forget whether their chariot god Samnal is dead or not." - Kerenna
  • "We should act as intermediaries more often." - Reda
  • "<The charioteers/Wheels> distrust spirits." - Dresta
  • "If the rivers was tears we'd have plentiful salt." - Sereden
  • "Chariot people worship Inilla--but only the lowliest free women. Their men disdain her." - Inilla devotee
  • "Wheels know the proper place for women." - Misogynist ring-member
  • "The <favor-owing> chieftain does not like to give in."
  • "Unless they specify otherwise, only a successful result will cancel our debt."
  • "I knew they would call in that favor eventually."
  • "I knew Wheels would try to wiggle out of an honest debt."
  • "The <Wheel>s speak honestly and expect others to do the same."
  • "Talk costs less than cows."
  • "They're seeking a peaceful end to a matter that started in violence."