Six Ages Wiki

The Wheel Kingdom is a confederation of the Wheel clans in the Black Eel Valley, founded during the Storm Age in response to the terrible cataclysm caused by the bones of the god Yestal crashing into the valley and the rise of Berenstead. It was formed by the chief of the strongest Wheel clan in the valley at the time, who performed and passed five test of kingship to earn the favor of Elmal. It became a dangerous force for the other people of the Black Eel valley, like the local Riders and Rams.

By the time of the Chaos Age, however, the kingdom has disintegrated, though its memory still reverberates among the remaining Wheels.

Ride Like the Wind[]

In Ride Like the Wind, the Wheel Kingdom may show up in a series of chain events that, if they appear, will do so after the Skyquake event.


Your clan circle can say the following about the Wheel Kingdom:

  • "Kingdoms come easier to Wheels than they do to Riders. Samnal the Chariot never discouraged them the way Hyalor did. "


The following Ride Like the Wind events concern the Wheel Kingdom:

Lights Going Out[]

Despite the Wheel Kingdom event chain not being guaranteed to appear in Ride Like the Wind, it is sure to be referenced to in Lights Going Out. For example, the treasure Axle of Samnal is said to be part of the old Wheel Kingdom's royal regalia.

At the start of the game, one of the Wheel clans may be known for founding the Wheel Kingdom. You may hear the following bit of information in the early game:

<After the rise of Berenstead the valley's Wheel clans united under a king/Since before the rise of Berenstead the Wheels have called their valley clans a kingdom>. Competing claims to the Chariot Throne have arisen as Chaos destroys memories and traditions. These have intensified of late.

Both the <Wheel Clan A> and <Wheel Clan B> say they are the rightful possessors of the Chariot Throne. <Our people are glad this is not our problem./Our proponents of tribal revival take heart from this news. With the Wheel Kingdom weak, we have room to restore the tribe of Beren to its former cohesion and glory.>

— Six Ages: Lights Going Out

In either case, this bickering between Wheel clans may provide an opportunity for you:

Wheel clans have been plotting in secret to take their throne from its current occupant, King <Wheel chief> of the <royal Wheel> clan. We should raid the <rival Wheel clan>. With so much going on they won't be scanning their ridge for invading Orlanthi.

— Six Ages: Lights Going Out

Over the course of the game, it is possible for one of the Wheel clans to remake the Wheel Kingdom, with or without your help. If so, their chieftain will be known as the Wheel King.

It is possible for the Wheel King to face opposition to his rule. If so, the text goes as follows:

The <rival Wheel clan> have rallied considerable support among their compatriots and are now seen among Wheels as the rightful holders of their crown. King <Name> of <royal Wheel clan> has vowed to call down Elmal upon them to quell this challenge to his rule. <Some say this would happen to us if we brought back the true tribe. Others say our Orlanthi neighbors do not care enough about the crown to fight over it/I'd like to say we should raid them immediately, but they are training up their warriors>.

— Six Ages: Lights Going Out

If the challenge to the king's rule is successful, you may hear this:

The <rival Wheel clan> succeeded in their bid to seize the Chariot Throne. King <Name> was slain. The new king is <Name>. We liked the old king better than this new one.

— Six Ages: Lights Going Out

If, near the end of the game, the Wheel King's clan is swallowed by Chaos, you may receive the following bit of information:

With the clan of the Chariot Throne destroyed, the Wheels currently have no king. Knowing Wheels, the remaining clans will now enter a destructive internecine conflict over their battered crown. We can take no pleasure in their downfall; it is the work of Chaos.

— Six Ages: Lights Going Out

Indeed, should the number of Wheel clans in the valley dwindle until there are only a few left, you may hear the following:

With only two Wheel clans left in the valley, their kingdom has died. Yet the chieftains of both wear crowns, style themselves kings, and label the other a pretender.

— Six Ages: Lights Going Out


The following Lights Going Out events concern the Wheel Kingdom:

