The Weeders are a group of people who live on the Black Eel and Oslira rivers. They are poor and lack warriors to defend themselves, but their shamans are able to call spirits and monsters to protect them and attack their enemies. They subsist on a diet of fish and reed soup.
Ride Like the Wind[]
Weeders make their first appearance in Ride Like the Wind.
If your ancestral enemy is the forces of Water, your ancestors will expect you to antagonize the Weeders when you have a chance to do so.
The Weeders will never raid you.
The clan circle says:
- "The trick with Weeders isn't beating them. It's getting them to stand and fight."
- "The Weeders are foreigners. They worship an eel or something."
- "The Weeders are foreigners, and perpetual targets for Hyalorings and Rams alike."
- "Weeders don't own much of value."
- "The Weeders deal with spirits, not gods."
They appear in the following events:
Additionally, they are linked to these events:
Lights Going Out[]
To the surprise of many in Lights Going Out, the Weeders are still alive by the time of the Chaos Age.
Since sometime between the events of Ride Like the Wind and Lights Going Out, the Weeders no longer rely entirely on spirits, but have also taken on the worship of at least one god: their former foe, Ugarra "The Protector". One of the reasons they have been able to survive relatively unscathed is through a blessing taught to them by her, to appear so wretched that even the worst monsters take pity on them. They even seem better able to feed themselves in these difficult times than the valley's farming peoples.
Same as in the first game, the Weeders do not raid.
The clan ring says:
- "Didn't they die a generation ago?"
- "We could have sworn the Weeders dies off a generation ago."
- "They might outlive us, who have so many other enemies."
- "We can breathe easier knowing the Weeders still thrive."
- "The notion of Weeders as lucky or inspirational could be of help, now or later."
- "Weeders bring hope? You know what I hope? That they'd stand downwind of us!"
- "Beren met the Weeders."
- "Provoking Weeders could lead to big trouble."
- "They're no threat to us. Or anyone."
- "How Weeders live without fortification is beyond me."
- "[The Weeders'] goddess sends them water spirits."
- "To survive the Weeders now depend upon Ugarra, who they once abjured as misfortune incarnate."
- "Their river spirits would never allow them to deal with demons."
- "Weeders worship the Oslira River, regarding her as a great spirit."
- "Some say the Weeders are unchanged since the Green Age.
The Weeders appear in the following Lights Going Out events:
- Weeder Cursed Broo
- Weeders Human Sacrifice Accusation
- Weeders Offer Fish
- Weeders Offer War Blessing
- Weeders Request Aid
Other Stories[]
The Glorantha wiki doesn't have much to say about the Weeders, but it has a few more details about the Nogatendites, who may be the same group.