“ | Beren takes Redalda in his arms. “Finally, I won your hand.”
Redalda smiles that mysterious smile of hers, the one that captivates him so. “If you say so, dear.” Beren furrows his brow in confusion. Redalda laughs. “The truth is, I won you. For every trial, every test you undertook to make this day possible, I, aided by my mother and her sisters, performed an equivalent and necessary deed. Sometimes more than one.”
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“ | Redalda smiles again, then turns serious.“Though it pains me to say so, a task awaits us before we may lose ourselves in the pleasures of the marriage pallet. We must go to the Gods War. The struggle between your gods and my gods cracks the world. Together you and I must fight, not for the victory of Ram over Rider, or Rider over Ram, but to plant a seed of possibility. If we are strong, and smart, and brave, that seed will one day germinate, making unity where today there is hate.”
Which Gods War event does Redalda choose? |
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— Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind |
The first choice has no obvious effect; pick the option you like best.
The second choice is more momentous: it determines which ritual the newlyweds will attempt, and therefore what blessing your clan's descendants will inherit--if any at all.
You always have a choice between two rituals, one from the first pair and one from the second. Which options you get seems to be determined at random.
None of the endgame rituals is all that difficult, but if Beren's stats are bad (for example, if he had a run-in with Ugarra), you might want to avoid the ritual A fight against a sea dragon, which has multiple stages that Beren must handle without Redalda's help.
You can also influence your chances of success with magic allocation during Sacred Time .