Six Ages Wiki


What do you do to prepare for the coming wedding between Beren and Redalda? Some worry that the <Ram Killers>, also known as the Ram Killers, will attack the ceremony, to express their longstanding hatred of Redalda’s kind. Others say Beren should ask his friend Beren the Swift to take on the special role of war-singer, who proclaims his deeds at the rite. Meanwhile, key elders want the council to pay heed to grander diplomatic aims.
  1. Ask Beren the Swift to take part as war-singer.
  2. Ask Cenala to perform the ceremony.
    (Will not appear if you rejected Cenala, or if you already promised that she would officiate.)
  3. Invite other Rider clans, other than the Ram Killers, to the ceremony.
  4. Stage a preemptive attack on the Ram Killers.
  5. Make no waves.
  6. Send an emissary to your allies, the Ram Killers.
    (Only appears if you are allied with the Ram Killers.)

Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind


If you choose to ask Cenala to perform the ceremony, or if you have already promised to do so, you will have to choose a noble to make the request and an escort to go with them. This noble and their escort will be unavailable for the rest of the game, so you may prefer to choose a non-circle member and send only Bows.

If you choose to ask Beren the Swift to be the war-singer, you will also have a choice of which noble to send, their escort, and whether to take a gift. He responds much better to Beren the Tall making the request himself (even without a gift), although another noble can still persuade him. You can also select another option after making this choice. 

Inviting other clans will have some accept, but others not, depending on various factors.

A successful attack on the Ram Killers will indeed prevent them from making trouble for the wedding... but someone else will just do so in their place.

Sending an emissary to the Ram Killers is unlikely, perhaps impossible, to work.


  • "Let me go and patch things up with my friend Beren the Swift." - Beren
  • "The Ram Killers may attack the ceremony even if we hit them now. But it still makes sense to wear them down."
  • "No wedding should be undertaken while hard feelings still smolder. Seek out Beren the Swift."
  • "Invite other clans."
  • "Everyone who agrees with us about Cenala will show up if invited. The rest will turn their backs on us."
  • "Verlaro's enemies chose his wedding day to attack him. Osara gifted him with chadash balls made from their skulls."
  • "Will Redalda be good to our goats?" — Goat-loving circle member.