Six Ages Wiki


The day has finally arrived for the wedding of Beren and Redalda. Your clan travels in a grand procession to the <Daughters of Vingkot Clan> lands. <In place of honor glides Cenala, daughter of Hyalor, who will preside over the rite.> You arrive at the wedding, and the ceremonies begin. <Beren the Swift launches into his performance as war-singer, paying tribute in song to the groom's many virtues.>

Then a rumble arises from the <direction>. The <attacker>, strengthened by other Ram-hating warriors, attack. Immediately you understand why. Their ancestors have always hated the Rams. They have always hated the Rams. They aim to keep all Riders free from the taint of intermarriage.

  1. Form a defensive circle around the wedding party.
  2. Ride swiftly to intercept the attackers.
  3. Coordinate a counterattack with the warriors of the Rams in attendance.
  4. Call on Elmal to smite them.

Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind


Ride swiftly is a Combat test for the noble you choose to lead the charge. Failure here seems to lead to Beren's death, and sometimes Redalda's as well if you do particularly badly.

Forming a defensive circle is also a Combat test. Failure here seems to lead to Redalda's death (and Cenala's, if she is present).

If you choose to coordinate with the Ram attendance, you must first decide which noble to form the battle plan.

Calling on Elmal does not seem to work here, and will just waste time.

If Beren and Redalda live, the game is effectively won... but not yet over.


The text of this event can vary depending on what preparations you made for the wedding--if you asked Cenala to officiate, if you convinced Beren the Swift to act as war-singer, and if you invited other Rider clans. The attacker also varies. The default is the Ram Killers, but if you raided them earlier this year to discourage them from making trouble now, someone else will attack the wedding, such as your ancestral enemies, or the Northern Wheels if you made peace with them or if your enemies are the Forces of Water. The image shown will be different if someone other than the Ram Killers attacks (except for the forces of Chaos, who cunningly disguise themselves as the Ram Killers).

If Beren and Redalda die here, and Cenala is also present, you will earn the achievement Wedding Crashee.


  • "Today is all about working together!" - Beren
  • "Verlaro and his sister Osara fought off an attack on his wedding day. We shall do the same."
  • "Together with the other attendees, we outnumber them."
  • "We have not trained to fight alongside Rams."
  • "Elmal might help us."
  • "Strength in numbers."
  • "This is our last wedding test."