The War Screen is where you will handle most military matters.
All versions of the game will have the same basic information, but it will be displayed differently depending on what device you are playing on.
In the upper left hand corner you can see how many warriors you have. This section shows you how many Swords (professional warriors) and Bows (ordinary clan members who are able to fight) you have, and how many of each are sick or injured. You can also recruit more Swords, or dismiss some of those you have.
Beneath this section, you can see an overview of your recent raids.
- An intact sword stands for a successful raid , whether one you launched or an attack you successfully fought off.
- A broken sword is a raid you lost.
- A sheep icon represents a successful herd raid.
- An upside down sheep represents a herd raid which you failed to detect.
- A stack of coins represents a raid in which your target paid you tribute to escape battle.
- An upside down stack of coins represents a raid in which you paid your attacker tribute to prevent them from attacking you.
In the center, you can see which Fortifications you have built.
At right, there are four buttons. The first, Fortify, concerns your fortifications. The second and third, Raid and Herd Raid, allow you to launch raids and herd raids, respectively. See Raid for details. The last, Menu, will simply take you back to the Menu.
At the bottom of the screen you will find your Clan Circle as well as your clan's basic resources and relations. As usual, you can tap the portraits of your Clan Circle to get their advice. For example, they may tell you that you need more warriors, or warn you against raiding in Earth season, when all hands are needed for the harvest.
The iPad version differs from the iPhone above, although it conveys the same information.