Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki

Wandering Yinkini is a roaming cult dedicated to the Ram god of cats and alynxes, Orlanth's feline brother, Yinkin. Because Yinkin is too minor a god inside the Black Eel Valley to have enough devoted followers to maintain a shrine, they instead wander the valley, sharing news and offering their services—mainly the conduction of rites to chase away fear or keep rats from storehouses—in exchange for hospitality and goods of value. They put their hairs up in a way that mimic cat ears and they wear garbs and amulets bearing Yinkin's rune or his likeness.

Lights Going Out[]

Wandering Yinkini appears in Lights Going Out for the first time.


Your clan ring may say the following about them:

  • "Though these wanderers belong to no clan they are still of our kind."
  • "It's good to see the Yinkin folk."
  • "A scruffy lot."
  • "If they conduct a rite, it will succeed."
  • "The simple sight of them brings people cheer."
  • "Don't know why, but I just like 'em."
  • "Nice hair."
  • "I'm surprised wandering Yinkinites can still survive out there."
  • "The cat worshipers have been our friends ever since Redalda gave Beren an alynx kitten."


They appear in the following Lights Going Out events:

