“ | While exploring the territory of the Votanki hunters, <Explorer> and <his/her> party encounter a group of them accompanied by the biggest dog you’ve ever seen. They demand that you pay them tribute for intruding on their lands. You must give them <number> horses. If you don’t, they say, their great dog will make quick work of you. Then they will eat all your horses, and the dog will eat you.
” |
— Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind |
Attack you may lose some swords to the dog before the Votanki's flee.
Give them the horses means you lose the horses, but your explorers are free to go.
Making a run for it is likely to work, as your horses run faster than the Votanki's dogs.
Telling them that their demand is unjust just seems to make them laugh.
This event can reoccur if you keep visiting the Dog Hills.
- "Without the dog, we could beat the hunters, though at some cost."
- "We have no idea how mighty that dog would actually be in a fight."
- "The beast gods populated the world with all manner of strange animals."