Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki

The Votanki Dog People is a nomadic people living to the east of the Black Eel Valley, around the Dog Hills and the surrounding forest region. They don't herd cows or know how to farm, but subsist on hunting instead. Their hunts are aided by their dogs—ordinary, giant, and spirit. They take their name from an immortal hero named Votank, and worship him as well as his companion, Brother Dog.

Ride Like the Wind[]

The Votanki first appears in Ride Like the Wind.


Your clan circle can tell you the following about the Votanki:

  • "Votank, who roams the forests to the east, is like Hyalor before he ascended to Elmal’s side."
  • "Votank is like their Hyalor, but also their Elmal and their Dostal."
  • "They told us of their immortal hero, Votank, who walked the earth with them and showed them how to hunt. Their people, they explained, also gave worship to his boon companion, Brother Dog."
  • "Some say their hero Votank is an immortal who walks the earth. Some say he is the mortal descendant of his namesake deity."
  • "Their hunting secrets are useless without those dogs of theirs."
  • "They don't know how to farm."
  • "Their numbers are few, but beware the magic of their canine deity, Brother Dog."
  • "Those dogs maintain contact with mighty spirits."
  • "A Votanki will never settle in a village."
  • "They don't herd cows."


The Votanki appear in the following Ride Like the Wind events:

Other Stories[]

For more on the Votanki, see here on the main Glorantha wiki.

