“ | A gigantic, hideous, horse-like being bounds over the outer walls of Berenstead. In a high-pitched whinny that makes ears ring and bleed, he announces himself as Vevkoban. He trashes around until he finds the oracle left behind by the goddess Kev. He tramples it to shards with his hooves. "It is good to destroy!" Vevkoban shrieks. "I have fulfilled my purpose in this rancid existence, yet still lust for obliteration. What more shall I take from you, oracle-keepers? Your hope? Your selflessness? Your insight? How about your adaptability?"
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
The four values Vevkoban mentions are important during the finale in the Dead World. In effect, because you reveived help during the Gift of Kev event, you will now have to sacrifice something and the game's finale will become harder to win.
If you say, "Insight," then Vevkoban will indeed take some of it from you, making your clan care less about the truth and more ready to act on assumptions.
If you choose "Selflessness," the clan will feel selfishness seep into them and they will no longer find it easy to help others.
Whichever you choose, Vevkoban will quietly disappear and Mood will drop.
If you refuse to answer and attack Vevkoban, you will be prompted to choose who leads the charge and how many warriors participate in it. Regardless of whom you choose, this fight seems impossible to win. Vevkoban will trample all of them into paste and absorb their remains, becoming even stronger. He will then say that you haven't answered him, and you will be forced to choose one of the other options.
If your clan does not have any of the selected value (e.g. if you choose "selflessness" but have been completely selfish throughout the game), Vevkoban will be angry that you tried to trick him and proceed to kill half of your clan's horses and corrupt its fields before vanishing.
- "I wouldn't call us brave, or hopeful, especially."
- "Our neighbors wouldn't call us selfless."
- "I wish our people adapted well to new situations, but it isn't so."
- "I'm not sure we have much insight to destroy."
- "Under no circumstances should we attack a Chaos god."
- "Vevkoban might not be a Chaos god, but merely a Chaos beast. The distinction is unclear."
- "When Kev, goddess of measuring and balance, came to gift us, she left behind the oracle, which Vevkoban the Chaos Horse was born to destroy."
- "Openness to the new means flouting tradition. He does us a favor if he takes that from us."
- "His appearance today has already shattered hope."
- "We can't go on without hope!"
- "It sounds grim, but we must sacrifice insight."
- "Survival requires selfishness."
- "If we can't adapt we die."
- "Now more than ever we must let go of the self."
- "He who cannot see trips into the grave."
- "Adaptability is indispensable."
- "To arms!"
- "He will reduce us to skeletons and then puppet us around."
- "Wheels hate change, and I hate Wheels, so we must keep our adaptability."
- "Beren changed everything about us, so we cant give up our openness to change."
- "To witness history is rarely good."
- "This reminds me of when Hippogriff became the horse goddess."
- "This can't be happening."
- "Hope is a trap."
- "It's not fair that Ernalda died, yet her courtier Kev, who led this thing to us, still lives."
- "If we'd figured out how to use the oracle we would have seen this coming."
- "No part of this monster understand mercy."
- "Good thing it's not taking the <value> Kev gave us."
- "Fight it."
- "It wants us to fight it."
- "Iverlantho, I though you would never deal with Chaos?"
- "Insight."
- "It can't take our courage."
- "Defend if attacked, but do not provoke it."
- "We are so selfish now that to give up selflessness would trick him."
- "Selfishness is a virtue. Give him our foolish selflessness."
- "Better to die fighting Chaos than to live dancing to its drum!"
- "I can't hear what any of you are saying."