Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki


<Reda/Rodene>, your wondering horsewoman of Redalda, returns from one of her restless jaunts with new of the <Loyal Clan>s. They wish to gain clan magic by ceremonially commemorating the day when they recognized Beren as king. This would require the use of our ritual ground and Venef's participation. He immediately rejects the possibility: "This would raise false expectations, for we lack the regalia to resume kingship claims." Exasperated, <Reda/Rodene> says, "There is not a plan one of us could propose that you would not reject! You are King Venef the Paralyzed!"
  1. Demand an apology from <Reda/Rodene>.
  2. Let Venef's refusal, and <Reda/Rodene>'s insult, stand.
  3. Mediate between them.
  4. Press Venef to welcome the <Loyal Clan> rite.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you press Venef to welcome the rite, he will do so, but without enthusiasm. Perhaps for this reason, the rite fails, and the other clan (though they do not say so) blames you for it.



The illustration may reflect the ages of the different characters.


  • "To take offense at an unfair comment is to give it power over you." - Venef
  • "I shouldn't have said that. Though it is absolutely true, and the rest of you all know it!" - Reda
  • "The spirits sense our distress." - Shaman
  • "Just because everyone thinks it doesn't mean you should say it."
  • "Reda is more of a royalist than he is."
  • "If the rite works they may owe us cows."
  • "We should not press Venef into a rite he will not wholehearted part in."