Six Ages Wiki


On <Quester>'s journey to the west and north, <his/her> explorers encounter the Vadrudi. These wild people ride unicorns and worship Vadrus, Orlanth's mayhem-seeking lawless brother. Their leader says, "Though the ice demons are greatly weakened since the glacier exploded, I still owe them some slaves. I will give them two of you. With that obligation out of the way, I can concentrate on a rite to aid Vadrus as he battles Wakboth and takes his power.

<In answer to <Quester>'s question, he confirms the great glacier, which drove your ancient Rider ancestors from their imperial home, is no more. Then he repeats his demand.>

  1. Attack.
  2. Flee.
  3. Give him what he wants.
  4. "Instead, we will give you magic to bolster your rite."

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


The Vadrudi are strong opponents. If you attack, even losing a few to their unicorns while the rest escape may count as a victory. After your retreat, you may find a treasure, a spirit, or artifacts worth a significant amount of goods.


  • "Humakt used to be Vadrus' brother, and can show me a few tricks against him." - Kerenna/Humakt devotee
  • "My reputation is strong. I can weather an unpopular choice."