Six Ages Wiki


Emissaries of the <other clan> clan come to offer praise for your successful battle against the scorpion folk. "Their massing force has dispersed. Most departed the valley entirely. Your victory brought the rest of us safety. For a while, at least." They ask you to name a gift, and they will endeavor to grant it.
  1. Cattle.
  2. Goods.
  3. Horses.
  4. Magic.
  5. Ask for goods, but reciprocate the gift.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you ask for goods, but reciprocate the gift, Mood rises and presumably relations improve with the other clan.


Got this event from a Berenethtelli tribe member that was also the same clan that traded to us the Horn of Urox.

Presumably, the event's illustration depends on the culture of the clan offering the gift.


  • "The people want horses."
  • "Portable goods are easiest to trade." - Trader
  • "Bringing death to foes is its own reward." - Kerenna
  • "Good relations bring more wealth over the long run than a one-time gift." - Reda
  • "If you can't eat it, it's not really a gift." - Hanth
  • "The greatest gift is having someone show up without a problem to solve." - Trickster
  • "A rare opportunity to restore our dwindling magic." - Dresta