“ | An Uroxi war band passes by with urgent news. They have just waylaid and slain a party of scouts from Wakboth's army. "This terrible force has smashed the southlands and will soon march to lay waste to this valley." They say that they must keep moving, to harry the Devil's minions. "Kings once dwelt in your citadel. If that means anything these day, perhaps you should rally the region to heed our warning."
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
If you warn the valley, you must choose who to send and the size of their retinue. The other clans will thank you for this warning and ready themselves: relations with other clans improve. However, the royalists back home will complain that you didn't keep this warning to your Berenethtelli neighbors, binding them closer to their ancient pledges of fealty to your clan: Mood drops.
- "A political misstep now would be costly." - Venef
- "This is no time for politics!" - Erenlanth
- "We can expect a fair hearing throughout the valley." - Reda/Diplomat
- "The people call this a matter of survival, not tribal politics."
- "Event those who reject the present king revere the memory of Beren."
- "Wakboth has crushed every kingdom he's come across."
- "Wakboth promises power today and destruction tomorrow. His worshipers only hear the first part."
- "Time to hunker."
- "This will all blow over, I tell you."
- "Warn everyone."