“ | <Explorer> and company find their way to the Whisperlands. The stones there, they say, can foretell the future. In this present moment, however, they have been overrun by the undead. | ” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
If you successfully attack, you will slay the undead, but probably suffer a few casualties. If your explorer is a Humakt worshiper, then this victory may cement their connection to Humakt. The whispering stones will give you a prophecy: "In <Number> years, the world will end. One <Player Clan> will outlive it. To prevail when existence itself can be ranked among the undead, you must prepare. You must be "open to unity," "ready to set aside old certainties," "without fear," and "aggressively selfless." In particular, you must work on the <sequence number> of those virtues." Mood may rise.
However, if you fail, you likely lose some people in the attempt, to no benefit. Mood will drop.
If you call on Humakt, he may not answer you. Your explorer reasons others needed his gift more. You can still choose between attacking or retreating. Alternatively, Humakt may say, "I will strengthen your swords." You can still choose between attacking, calling on the spirit mouth, or retreating
If you call on the spirit mouth, the stones will do what they can. You can still choose between calling on Humakt, attacking, or retreating. If you successfully attack after this, the Whisperlands will be saved, but the stones have expanded too much of their magic to give you a prophecy, and you may have lost a few people. Still, for saving the stones, your mood may improve.
The stones' prophecy may give you a clue how many years you have left until the end of the game.
This event bears similarities to the Whispering Stones event from Ride Like the Wind.
- "I have Humakt's blessing already. We must attack without delay." - Kerenna/Humakt devotee
- "We should have cracked down on the undead when we had the chance."