Umath is a dead storm god, father to Orlanth, Ragnaglar, Urox, and, once, to Humakt. Umath rebelled against Yelm, and was slain by Yelm's son Shargash. Later, Orlanth would avenge him by slaying Yelm in turn.
Ride Like the Wind[]
You clan circle has the following to say about Umath:
- "Since Umath showed up, the sky has not been stable. It got worse after his son Orlanth struck down the sun. It was much easier for our distant ancestors to read the omens in the stars."
- "Umath's rebellion against Yelm was the first sign of Chaos entering the world."
Myths & Rituals[]
In the myth Ekarna's Four Trades, the ghosts of Elempur give Ekarna shards of his bronze bones in exchange for a story.
Lights Going Out[]
It is said that before the Battle of Stormfall, Orlanth's forces gathered at a place called Umath's Camp.
Myths & Rituals[]
His relation to both Orlanth and Humakt is mentioned in the myth Humakt Divides Life from Death.
Other Stories[]
Umath is also mentioned in other tales of Glorantha. See these pages for more information: