Six Ages Wiki


Beren, who you identified as a descendant of Elmal and Verlaro, is now 13 years old. He has befriended a boy a year younger, of the <otherClan> clan. His friend is also named Beren. The two of them want you to ask the other Beren’s clan if he can live and train with you for a year. This request would be unusual but not unheard of.
  1. Ask the other boy’s clan.
  2. Ask the other boy’s family.
  3. Decline to ask.

Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind


Asking is likely to succeed, and to benefit both boys. Asking the other Beren's clan can have additional political benefits, however.

If you get approval for Other Beren to train with you, he will stay for a year, before you receive the following bit of text:

The boy called Beren, friend to our Beren, has returned to his clan after a year of training with us. Both young men seem the better for it. The boy says he will commend us to his people.


  • "I have well taught our Beren, but he could use a sparring partner. When I hone this boy, both will be better for it." - Yatakan
  • "He is a good hearted young fellow and a fine friend to Beren. Let me speak to his clan." - Ayvtu
  • "Beren is not an uncommon name." - Relandar worshiper/Lore expert
  • "Verlaro said to his sister, 'Why couldn't you be a brother?' She said, 'Why can't you duck this punch?'" - Osara worshiper
  • "I sense great potential in both boys." - Magician
  • "Asking his family will prevent us from any political benefit from our gesture of friendship."
  • "It will all go wrong when they discover girls."