Six Ages Wiki


<Explorer> and <his/her> explorers encounter a wild people who dress and hiss like raccoons. They emerge from a gnarled wood to glower at your party. When <Explorer> calms them down, they say, "We will give you a great treasure in exchange for the head of a Heliaki. These people dwell to the south. They used to worship the great Raccoon, Tunoral, but have been corrupted by the worship of Heliakal the Chaos Sun."
  1. Agree.
  2. Feign interest in their offer, then depart.
  3. "Turn from Chaos, which fills your heart with hate."
  4. "You have the strength to fight your foes yourselves."

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you agree, then there's a chance you won't find anyone, especially if the heart of your explorer isn't into it. If you manage to capture a Heliaki, they will demand you sever its head. Doing so will besmirch your honor (if the exporer is Humakti, then they may feel their connection to him diminish) but you will earn a treasure. If the quester is a Eurmal trickster, the question of honor is not brought up (what honor does a trickster have anyway)?

If you feign interest in their offer and then depart you may receive a vision of Chalana Arroy. She rewards you a small number of horses for not bringing more needless harm into the world. Mood may improve.

If you say: "Turn from Chaos, which fills your heart with hate," then is it possible that these words will fill them with light and small Chaos-demons, embodiments of murder and hatred, will be expelled from their bodies. They will be very thankful, admit they are not sure who—they or the Heliaki—split from whom, and gift you with a treasure.

If you tell them "You have the strength to fight your foes yourselves," and they take this to heart, it will raise their spirits and they agree they need no one else to fight for them. They will gift you the promised treasure anyway. If Beren and Redalda's blessing is dealing with outsiders, you also gain +1 Magic.


  • "Unless Heliaki are undead, which I doubt, we have no quarrel with them." - Kerenna/Humakt devotee
  • "I don't remember Tunoral or Heliakal from the days of the Valley Generation." -Returner
  • "I hope we get more than a stupid regalia piece out of this."
  • "One head is a small price to pay for a treasure."
  • "They must learn to fight for themselves."
  • "Hatred is a form of Chaos."
  • "They might have the True Crown."
  • "Many cultures have descended into a wild state."