Six Ages Wiki


Exploring the ruined city of Elempur, <Explorer>'s explorers see skeletons of the Undead Army capturing its ancient ghosts. The skeletons greatly outnumber your explorers.
  1. Attack.
  2. Call on Humakt to smite the skeletons.
  3. Explore nearby riverbanks instead.
  4. Follow them until you can free the ghosts by stealth.
  5. Warn nearby clans this is happening.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you launch a successful attack, then you will free the ghosts with only a few of your warriors being injured. Having ritually defeated the undead god Nontraya already is helpful in achieving success. The ghosts will show you the location of a treasure or a significant number of goods out of gratitude. Mood may increase.

If you successfully call on Humakt to smite the skeletons, then the result is much the same: no injuries, a treasure, and an increase in mood.

If you explore nearby riverbanks instead, the people back home may agree that attacking a large group of skeletons was not worth the risk.

If you follow them until you free the ghosts by stealth, you may manage to free some of the ghosts, forcing the undead to cancel this raid. You will not have stopped the undead army, but inconvenienced it; Mood increase.


  • "Though I could call on Humakt, I am myself a sharp, death dealing blade." - Humakt devotee/Warrior
  • "My god abhors the undead." - Humakt devotee
  • "Nothing to get excited about."
  • "This city fell in a great battle between wind and sun, long before our ancestors got here."
  • "Ready the clans for war."