“ | As arranged, the troll queen comes to Berenstead to speak to the “king of the humans.” One of her retinue knows your language. “Irrekar Ulombar, wise and strong wearer of the leaden crown, journeyed to the Gods War. There our goddess, Kyger Litor, provided a treasure. Given to the correct human king, it will assist both peoples in the coming battle against Chaos. Irrekar Ulombar invites your king, or his representative, to explain why he is the one she seeks.” <They appear surprised to be dealing with <Chieftain>, and ask why <King> is not on his throne.>
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
If you impress the queen, she will make peace and gift your clan with the Tomorrow Skull, but also note that some trolls are not her subjects and may continue to attack you. This is also likely to increase the clan mood. This may have consequences later. In terms of gifts, cows are more likely to please the trolls than goods are.
If you fail to impress her, she will decide that you are not the ally she seeks and depart; the opportunity to make peace with her trolls will be lost. They may at least leave you some goods as a testament to their desire for peace. If Iverlantho is not chief, then he will waste no time calling for his enthronement in response.
- "Tell them I am king by right." - Iverlantho
- "They reach outside their traditions, and seek a partner ready to do the same." - Venef
- "Tell them of our glory." - Erenlanth
- "Trolls have great spirit powers. Maybe the treasure is a spirit?" - Dresta
- "Trolls hate the sun, which fell into their underground world." - non-royal Elmal worshipper
- "Anyone who goes into the dark woods must know hope." - Inilla worshipper
- "Darkness is the friend of hunters and trolls." - Dostal worshipper
- "Redalda made change to save the world." - Redalda worshipper
- "Trolls steal and eat sheep." - Voriof worshipper
- "Trolls are ruled by women and therefore cannot be trusted." - Misogynist advisor
- "<Misogynist advisor>'s sneering presence on the ring will likely offend this great queen."
- "We're not the toughest clan, but do trolls know that?"
- "It’s still a little hard thinking of trolls as people, not monsters."
- "Our ancestors fought trolls now and then but bear this queen no special animus."
- "We so seldom get to host a great queen."
- "I don’t know what the treasure does, but feel its power buzzing in my bones. "
- "Trolls prefer edible gifts."
- "Yes, they’re on a sacred mission. But generous gifting never hurts."
- "We don’t know what trolls usually want. Here they act on instructions even they don’t fully comprehend."
- "Why did we say yes to this? Now we have no way of backing out."
- "We are meant to show openness."
- "They seek a king. We must show them that this is wrong."