Six Ages Wiki


Your patrol spots a party of trolls on the edge of your territory. Before darkness swarmed across the world, these formidable raiders dwelt only in the lightless depths. This group neither attacks or retreats, but instead hails you, as if seeking a parley.
  1. Kill them.
  2. Drive them off.
  3. Ignore them.
  4. Allow them to approach.
  5. Approach them.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you attack, troll-hating ancestors will give you magic.

If you talk to them, they will explain their purpose in coming here:

Speaking haltingly with them in the simple language of traders, we learned of their mission. Their queen had gone to the Gods War to confer with their mother goddess, Kyger Litor. She learned that her people would need allies of all sorts to keep Chaos from destroying the world.

Do you agree to let the queen visit, under the laws of hospitality?

Should you agree, the troll queen will visit next Darkness season, unless your king is unavailable at that time.


You may wish to allocate Diplomacy magic next Sacred Time. Your people also suspect that the conversation will be easier if your king is also chieftain when the queen arrives.


  • "The trolls must be here to pay homage to the king of the Berenethtelli." - Iverlantho
  • "The need for caution doubles when trolls are around." - Venef
  • "They’re bigger than us, but we’re bolder." - Erenlanth
  • "There’s more to them than we think." - Sereden or Serestev
  • "What idiocy, <Sereden/Serestev>. Would you also have us trust gorps and walktapi?"
  • "Driving them off would be easier than killing them." - Hanth
  • "Troll gods are really big spirits." - Dresta/Doresa
  • "They seek unity--I can feel it in my marrow!" - Reda
  • "They’re horrible darkness monsters!" - Returner, if trolls are your ancestral foes
  • "They must want to trade something." - Returner, otherwise
  • "Our Rider ancestors often seem to forget their old foes the trolls, but today they want us to attack." - Ancestor worshipper
  • "Their death god, Zorak Zoran, calls himself Humakt’s eternal foe." - Humakt worshipper
  • "Their god Zorak Zoran tore the wings off the first horse, Gamari." - Redalda worshipper
  • "Beren fought trolls, but only when he had to."
  • "If they wanted to fight us, they'd be attacking already."
  • "Our ancestors bear no great grudge against trolls."
  • "Trolls aren't exactly monsters but I wouldn't consider them people, either."
  • "Letting them come closer will show openness and trust—qualities we will need to rebuild a broken world."
  • "Never fight a troll when you don’t have to."
  • "Some say their main god is a death deity, but in fact it is their great mother, Kyger Litor."
  • "Their death god raises armies of corpses and skeletons."
  • "They seek unity—I can feel it in my marrow!"
  • "To survive, we must learn to trust what we have always feared."