“ | <Trickster> says that <he/she> has been eating radishes and contemplating a panel from your story wall. It depicts the time Eurmal the Trickster fed hungry folk at the Storm Court by luring animals from the domain of the Sun Emperor. <He/She> claims <he/she> can perform a similar blessing, attracting animals from neighboring steads to yours. "Neighbors will suffer, but that's what neighbors are for! And yes, the radishes are for farting-very important to this kind of magic.
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
If you allow your Trickster to proceed, a success would give +Mood and +1 Magic and improve hunting.
"With Orlanth dead, the farts lingered in the citadel for days, because no one could summon a wind to drive them away. Trickster said that the rite had worked, and sure enough, our hunters soon found full traps."
- "I have already made my case, which is splendid, beyond measure, the best case, why are you not already agreeing?" - Trickster
- "Trickster magic can be powerful, but always comes with a cost." - Dresta/Magician
- "I can perhaps call down a similar blessing, without the risk inherent in Eurmal magic." - Hanth/Dostal devotee
- "By performing a divination, neighbors can discover we lured away their game." - Reda/Diplomat
- "This is an event from a distant, deep part of the Gods War, where Orlanth has not yet met Dostal the Hunter."
- "Choose words carefully when speaking to a trickster."
- "I've never found <Trickster> funny." - Kerenna