Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki

The discovery of either the Clay Mask or Mojara's Mask.

Treasures are valuable items your clan acquires through trade, war, events, exploration, and rituals.

A treasure described “(use in battle)” must be chosen before the start of combat. There is a risk that such treasures will break once used. You may only use one treasure per battle.

Treasures are listed below together with their in-game descriptions. The text in italics are comments by wiki editors and does not appear in-game. For more information on the effects of a specific treasure and how to acquire it, click the treasure's name.

List of Treasures in Ride Like the Wind[]

  • Agimori Fire Spirit: Scalds attacking foes, working especially well when it is cold
  • Aronpala's Bulb: Prophesied to sprout when the world is healed, this makes a shrine to Erissa sustainable with fewer worshippers
  • Basikan's Battle Standard: Aids war leaders when enemies bring monsters to the battlefield (use in battle)
  • Basket of Inilla: Grants divine blessing to worshipers of Inilla
  • Battling Brothers Banner: Banner decreases magnitude of defeat when defending against Riders
  • Blood Twig: Odd-shaped stick that sweats blood; rewards you when you win a raid in which you made a berserk attack
  • Blue Goat: Immortal Goat knows Ergeshite history, and blesses your goats
  • Border Stone: rock to be placed on your clan border, which rewards fidelity to old ways
  • Bowl of Healing Smoke: Aids in curing the sick
  • Bowl of Unity: Rewards openness to new ways
  • Branch Burning Banner: banner decreases magnitude of defeat when defending against elves
  • Bucking Mare Banner: Banner decreases magnitude of defeat when defending against captive seekers
  • Bull Stone: Odd-shaped rock that snorts ominously; rewards you when you win a raid by holding your ground
  • Busenari's Bell: Increases survival rate of calves and kids
  • Cape of Ekarna: Grants divine blessing to worshipers of Ekarna
  • Cautionstone: Rock that rolls away from people but never toward them; rewards you when you withdraw cleverly during a raid
  • Chastening Bell: Strike this instrument after you defeat Riders, to increase their fear of you (use in battle)
  • Claws of the Giant Bear: Brings good luck in battle while exploring
  • Clay Cow: Holy artifact makes a temple or shrine to Busenari sustainable with fewer worshipers
  • Clay Mask: Prehistoric mask that aids rituals drawing on the power of spirits
  • Cloud Parting Banner: decreases magnitude of defeat when defending against Rams
  • Coffle Cutter: Blade of the Werris Mur people increases your magnitude of victory against slave-keepers (use in battle)
  • Copper Fleece: Holy artifact makes a temple or shrine to Uryarda sustainable with fewer worshippers
  • Darestone: Odd-shaped rock always on the verge of crumbling; rewards you when you win a raid by taking risks
  • Demon Barrier Banner: Banner decreases magnitude of defeat when defending against Alkothi
  • Diadem of Relandar: Grants divine blessing to worshipers of Relandar
  • Dwarf Hurler Banner: Banner decreases magnitude of defeat when defending against dwarves
  • Elmal's Battle Standard: Aids battle leaders when they square off against enemy counterparts
  • Emblem of Busenari: Holy emblem to sew into your story tent; improves mood when provisions are well husbanded
  • Emblem of Dostal: Holy emblem to sew into your story tent; improves mood when hunting goes well
  • Emblem of Ekarna: Holy emblem to sew into your story tent; improves mood when bargaining goes well
  • Emblem of Elmal: Holy emblem to sew into your story tent; improves mood when one of your warriors wins a duel
  • Emblem of Hyalor: Increases your wealth when your people embrace change
  • Emblem of Osara: Holy emblem to sew into your story tent; improves mood when skirmishes go well
  • Emblem of Relandar: Holy emblem to sew into your story tent; improves mood when learned words are spoken
  • Emblem of Zenangar: Holy emblem to sew into your story tent; improves mood when diplomacy goes well
  • Flagon of Verlaro: Helps soothe the outraged
  • Finch Whistle: Girds Hearts against despair
  • Flying Horse: Winged horse strikes fear into your enemies when flown into battle 
  • Foaling Blanket: A blanket woven by priestesses of the Pure Horse clan that increases horse fertility
  • Gamari Blanket: Grants divine blessing to worshipers of Gamari
  • Gamari's Caparison: Increases survival rate of your foals
  • Gamari's Feather: Holy artifact makes a temple or shrine to Gamari sustainable with fewer worshipers
  • Gazzam Ledger: Holy artifact makes a shrine to Buseryan sustainable with fewer worshipers
  • Golden Honeycomb: Helps overcome skeptical minds
  • Golden Mirror: This mysterious mirror grants good fortune, and prophetic visions to a special few
  • Gold-Seeking Scope: Imperial artifact increases magnitude of victory when attacking to plunder (use in battle)
  • Grasping Talon Banner: Banner decreases magnitude of defeat when defending against plunder
  • Helm of Elmal: Grants divine blessing to worshipers of Elmal
  • Hollow Spear: Helps us prevail in battle
  • Holy Spark: Fragment of a fallen star provides magic in the darkness
  • Horn of Truth: Helps fools see the truth.
  • Horn of Vingkot: While you own this treasure, others will love and fear you, especially if you maintain good relations with the Ram People.
  • Imperial Horse Stick: Helps overcome disorder
  • Insistent Arrow: Increases magnitude of victory when you win skirmishes
  • Invisible Drum: Increases the chances spirits will aid your shamans after they have been successfully called.
  • Iron Gear: This small, spiky wheel helps us deal with elves and trolls 
  • Joyful Bell: Strike this instrument after you defeat an attacking foe, to gain the esteem of their neighbors (use in battle)
  • Kiln of Plenty: Makes fine pots
  • Laughing Rattle: Rewards you when others take joy in your wretchedness
  • Marten Skull: Painted skull rewards you when you win a raid by fighting fiercely
  • Master Sword: Fights as an extra Sword
  • Mighty Whooping Rattle: Brings you good cheer when you lean on others
  • Mojara's Mask: Prehistoric mask, which we did not attune (but see article)
  • Moonstone: Blue stone that periodically glows; increases the prowess of female explorers
  • Mostali Mill: Dwarf-made artifact can make food out of almost anything in a pinch
  • Necklace of the Four Kingdoms: Grants good fortune when you visit the southern Ram kingdoms
  • No Hunger Doll: Decreases the amount of food your people need to survive
  • Nose Ring of Busenari: Increases fruitfulness of your herds when you put worshipers of Busenari to the test
  • Nyalda Stone: Holy artifact makes a temple or shrine to Nyalda sustainable with fewer worshipers
  • Obsidian Sickle: Holy artifact makes a shrine to Pela sustainable with fewer worshippers
  • Orlanth Slasher: Sword that once slew a Ram hero; increases your ferocity when raiding Rams (use in battle)
  • Orlanthi Battle Standard: Of use only to Rams
  • Ostalar’s Battle Standard: Aids battle leaders in acts of awe-inspiring bravado
  • Owl Egg Stone: Odd-shaped rock that hoots in the night; rewards you when you win a raid by fighting cleverly.
  • Pouch of Dostal: Grants divine blessing to worshipers of Dostal
  • Radiant Lodestone: Holy artifact makes a shrine to Zarlen sustainable with fewer worshipers
  • Rampant Belt Plaque: Gold tablet affixed to an honor belt increases magnitude of victory when launching a herd raid (use in battle)
  • Raven Mask: Punctures overconfidence
  • Raven Rock: Odd-shaped rock that utters curses; rewards you for raiding those who esteem you (use in battle)
  • Rearing Belt Plaque: Gold tablet affixed to an honor belt increases magnitude of victory when defending against a herd raid
  • Reverberent DrumHelps your shamans call spirits
  • Ring of Hyalor: Grants divine blessing to worshipers of Hyalor
  • Robe of Erissa: Grants divine blessing to worshipers of Erissa
  • Rope of Seven Knots: Aids you when dealing with outsiders
  • Sakkar Skull: Painted skull rewards you when you win a raid by waiting for opportunities
  • Samnal Slasher: Sword that once slew a Wheel hero; Increases your ferocity when raiding Wheels  (use in battle)
  • Sawing Sword: Sword that once slew an eerie elf; Increases chance of victory when raided by Elves  (use in battle)
  • Self-Firing Bow: Dwarf-made artifact makes skirmishing more effective (use in battle)
  • Shargash Slasher: Sword that once slew a demonic hero; increases chance of victory when raided by Alkothi (use in battle)
  • Shield of Tablets: Artifact holy to Hyalor; increases magnitude of victory when attacking with survival in mind. (use in battle)
  • Shield of Thorns: Elf made artifact increases magnitude of victory when defending to drive off the enemy. (use in battle)
  • Shining Sun Mask: Brings courage to the fearful
  • Singing Stone: Odd-shaped rock that sings a lulling song; ensures that targets of your attack don't blame you for it
  • Singing String: Holy bow string makes a shrine to Osara sustainable with fewer worshipers.
  • Skull of the Old Wolf: Painted skull rewards you when you win a raid by fighting prudently
  • Sky God Bone: Golden fragment bolsters the fortunes of Elmal and Osara devotees
  • Sky Seeds: Helps your priests spin to the Sky World when burned (note: will eventually be used up)
  • Sly Dagger: Increases the magnitude of victory when your warriors win duels. 
  • Solar Mask of Yelm: Restores expended magic after a successful Gods War ritual
  • Soft Boots: Lulls the wary
  • Sparking Sword: Sword that once slew a terrifying dwarf; increases chance of victory when raided by dwarves (use in battle)
  • Spoke-Shattering Bell: Strike this instrument after you defeat Wheels, to increase their fear of you
  • Staff of Nyalda: Grants divine blessing to worshipers of Nyalda
  • Staff of Sharp Dealing: Aids you when others wish to buy from you
  • Star Scope of Zarlen: Grants divine blessing to worshipers of Zarlen
  • Stelfor's Battle Standard: Aids battle leaders when they attack many lesser combatants at once (use in battle)
  • Stone of Mostal: Perfectly cubical stone; increases your wealth when your people resist change
  • Storm God Bone: Bronze fragment grants you an edge in warfare, especially in fights against or involving Rams
  • Squirrel Skull: Painted skull rewards you when you flee cleverly
  • Sword of Death: Kills someone each round of combat (use in battle)
  • Terror Lizard Skull: Painted skull rewards you when you win a raid by pressing the attack
  • Tide-Turning Spear: Grants an edge when the enemy is winning the battle (use in battle)
  • Thunderstick: Ram-made artifact increases magnitude of victory when attacking to kill (use in battle)
  • Tomorrow Skull: Decreases troll raid frequency, aids leaders who value unity, and helps if Chaos eats the world
  • Turtle Stone: Rock with a hidden head that sometimes appears; rewards you when you win a raid by fighting cautiously
  • Tusk Burning Banner: Banner decreases magnitude of defeat when defending against trolls
  • Urgrain's Coin: A silver coin with a head labelled ‘Bad King Urgrain,’ and a Vingkotling helm and sword on the other side
  • Vengeful Bell: Strike this instrument after you successfully raid a foe, to gain the esteem of their neighbors (use in battle)
  • Wealth Plaque of the Wary Grouse: Aids you when you try to sell
  • Weeder Pearl: Grants favor during Sea season and protection against the forces of water
  • Wide Ditch Banner: Decreases magnitude of defeat when raided by Wheels
  • Wind-Shattering Bell: Strike this instrument after defeating Rams, to increase their fear of you (use in battle)
  • Yamsur's Brazier: Aids you against Darkness 
  • Yeleni Buzzard Charm: A buzzard beak, which aids in finding game, berries, and hidden foes

List of Treasures in Lights Going Out[]

  • Antler of Penentan: One of the Four Kingdoms treasures, which rewards the clan with magic when fortifications are built or repaired
  • Axle of Samnal: It might do something involving Wheels maybe
  • Bane Banner: Afflicts the (clan name) when we oppose them in raids
  • Barntar's Plow: Increases prosperity after converting pastures to fields
  • Barntar's Shovel: Helps restore pastures
  • Basket of Inilla: Grants divine blessing to worshipers of Inilla
  • Beard Oil Drop: Enables travel to the wedding of Orlanth and Ernalda, and aids dealing with outlanders
  • Beaver Totem: Increases value of items gained in the Trap for Furs venture
  • Beren Blade: Aids us in fights against Chaos
  • Blood Seed: Nourishes our pastures
  • Blood Twig: Odd-shaped stick that sweats blood; rewards you when you win a raid in which you made a berserk attack
  • Blue Stick: Enables travel to the wedding of Orlanth and Ernalda, and aids clan harmony
  • Bone-Chewing Dog:: Amulet grants magic after a successful skirmish against undead
  • Borrowed Beard: Increases Exploring magic when we value fresh insight
  • Borrowed Tongue: Increases Diplomacy magic when we remain open to new ways
  • Boot Stone: Increases Harmony magic when we embrace selflessness
  • Bowl of Healing Smoke: Aids in curing the sick
  • Braid of Chalana: Increases Health magic if a healer is on the ring during Sacred Time
  • Braid of Ernalda: Increases Fields magic if an Ernalda devotee is on the ring during Sacred Time
  • Bridal Mirror: Enables travel to the wedding of Orlanth and Ernalda, and blesses marriages
  • Bronze String: Enables travel to the wedding of Orlanth and Ernalda, and aids crafting
  • Bull Stone: Odd-shaped rock that snorts ominously; rewards you when you win a raid by holding your ground
  • Cattle Dowry Necklace: Enables travel to the wedding of Orlanth and Ernalda, helps with wild animals, and blesses Uralda worshipers
  • Cautionstone: Rock that rolls away from people but never toward them; rewards you when you withdraw cleverly during a raid
  • Chipmunk Totem: Increases the yield of the Foraging venture
  • Cow Totem: Increases prosperity after the Herding venture
  • Crook of Voriof: Increases Pastures magic if a Voriof devotee is on the ring during Sacred Time
  • Crown of Beren: (part of the Berenethtelli royal regalia)
  • Crystal of Scrutiny: Aids us when traders offer us an item
  • Death Rune: Increases prosperity after completing Combat Training
  • Dostal's Snare: Grants good fortune after dealing with animals
  • Durev's Chisel: Increases Crafts magic if an Ancestor devotee is on the ring during Sacred Time
  • Elmal's Battle Standard: Aids battle leaders when they square off against enemy counterparts
  • Elmal's Torch: Aids actions undertaken by Elmal devotees
  • Ernalda's Comb: Enables travel to the wedding of Orlanth and Ernalda, and blesses Ernalda worshipers
  • Ernalda's Needle: Grants good fortune after dealing with a crafts problem
  • Ernalda's Seeds: Quick-growing and hardy, they can avert crop failure
  • Eurmal's Turd: Aids actions undertaken by Tricksters
  • Ewe Totem: Strengthens those who think of others
  • Finovan Effigy: Lets us raid further afield, and helps us when we raid
  • Fire Rune: Increases prosperity after completing a Ceremony venture
  • Flaming Shield: "Aids us when defending against raids, except when our enemies are Riders or Wheels."
  • Fly in Amber: Increases value of items created in a gem crafting venture
  • Foaling Blanket: A blanket woven by priestesses of the Pure Horse clan that increases horse fertility
  • Golden Man: Bolsters our solar devotees
  • Golden Mare: Redalda intended her daughters to be exchanged between clans
  • Goat Totem: Increases the efficacy of the Feast venture
  • Golden Honeycomb: Helps overcome skeptical minds
  • Groom's Belt: Enables travel to the wedding of Orlanth and Ernalda, and helps with royal conflict
  • Hair Perfume Drop: Enables travel to the wedding of Orlanth and Ernalda, and aids dealings with neighbors
  • Hawk Totem: Aids us when we scour for bandits
  • Helm of Elmal: Grants divine blessing to worshipers of Elmal
  • Hollow Spear: Helps us prevail in battle (use in battle)
  • Holy Spark: Fragment of a fallen star provides magic in the darkness
  • Honest Ash Pot: Aids when trading away an item
  • Horn of Urox: Aids against Chaos
  • Horn of Vingkot: While you own this treasure, and a true king serves as your chieftain, any clan that ever belonged to Beren's kingdom will love and fear you (part of the Berenethtelli royal regalia)
  • Horse Feather: Holy artifact makes a temple or shrine to Redalda sustainable with fewer worshipers
  • Inilla's Nettleglove: Grants good fortune after dealing with a foraging problem
  • Inilla's Pouch: Increases Wilds magic if an Inilla devotee is on the ring during Sacred time
  • Insistent Arrow: Increases the magnitude of victory when you win skirmishes
  • Invisible Drum: Increases the chances spirits will aid your shamans after they have been successfully called.
  • Iron Grate: We’re not sure if it does anything
  • Lightning Flower: Enables travel to the wedding of Orlanth and Ernalda, and blesses dealings with Riders
  • Magic Rune: Attracts the favor of the gods when the Worship venture is performed
  • Man Rune: Enhances efforts to recruit clan members
  • Mantle of Redalda: Helps us deal with horses and people from outside our tribe (part of the Berenethtelli royal regalia)
  • Marten Skull: Painted skull rewards you when you win a raid by fighting fiercely
  • Mother Bear Totem: Increases the efficacy of the Defense venture
  • Orlanth's Comb: Enables travel to the wedding of Orlanth and Ernalda, and blesses Orlanth worshipers
  • Orlanth's Pyre-Ash: Aids actions undertaken by Orlanth devotees
  • Orstan's Saw: Increases value of items created in a crafting venture
  • Other Side Implement: Staff grants magic each Fire Season
  • Otter Totem: Increases the efficacy of the Entertain venture
  • Owl Egg Stone: Odd-shaped rock that hoots in the night; rewards you when you win a raid by fighting cleverly
  • Owl Totem: Increases prosperity when we perform the Spirit Rocks venture
  • Porcupine Totem: Increases prosperity after completing the Fletchery venture
  • Raccoon Totem: Strengthens the bold
  • Raven Rock: Odd-shaped rock that utters curses, and rewards you for raiding those who esteem you (use in battle)
  • Redalda's Blanket: Rouses the people when neighbors come calling
  • Redalda's Daisy: Soothes the people amid political contention
  • Redalda's Map: Aids explorers
  • Sakkar Skull: Painted skull rewards you when you win a raid by waiting for opportunities
  • Seal of Vinglanth: Aids against false trust and dangerous innovation
  • Self-Firing Bow: Dwarf-made artifact makes skirmishing more effective (use in battle)
  • Shadowcat Totem: Increases prosperity after the Guard the Herds venture
  • Singing Stone: Odd-shaped rock that sings a lulling song; ensures that targets of your attack don't blame you for it
  • Singing String: Holy bow string makes a shrine to Osara sustainable with fewer worshipers.
  • Skull of the Old Wolf: Painted skull rewards you when you win a raid by fighting prudently
  • Skunk Totem: Aids the cautious and fearful
  • Sly Dagger: Increases the magnitude of victory when your warriors win duels
  • Snake Staff: Aids us in spirit calls
  • Soft Boots: Lulls the wary
  • Son of Charandar: While you own this treasure, Reda and her descendants will be stronger in combat and wise when negotiating with outsiders
  • Spider Totem: Strengthens those who look to the future
  • Spirit Necklace: Aids actions undertaken by shamans
  • Squirrel Skull: Painted skull rewards you when you flee cleverly
  • Staff of Mystery: Aids us in understanding the exploits of the gods
  • Stalwart Shield: Increases War magic when we choose hope over fear
  • Star Amulet: Aids us when stars fall from the sky
  • Storm Bull Token: Aids us when we scour for Chaos
  • Strange Pillar: Aids us when dealing with our strongest personalities
  • Sword of Death: Kills someone each round of combat (use in battle)
  • Tablet of Hyalor: Bolsters our solar devotees and grants clan magic during Sacred Time
  • Terror Lizard Skull: Painted skull rewards you when you win a raid by pressing the attack
  • Thunderbone: Strengthens those who look to the past
  • Thunderstick: Increases magnitude of victory when attacking to kill (use in battle)
  • Tide-Turning Spear: Grants an edge when the enemy is winning the battle (use in battle)
  • Tiger Tooth of Forosan: One of the Four Kingdoms treasures, which can help us when we bring it on a raid south of the Black Eel (use in battle)
  • Tomorrow Skull: Decreases Troll raid frequency, aids leaders who value unity, and helps if Chaos eats the world
  • Trade Rune: Grants magic after a Trade venture.
  • Trickster Jar: Grants magic when Eurmal comes out to play
  • Turtle Stone: Rock with a hidden head that sometimes appears; rewards you when you win a raid by fighting cautiously
  • Tusk Burning Banner: Decreases the magnitude of defeat if we lose when trolls attack
  • Tusk of Infithan: One of the Four Kingdoms treasures, which helps us fight outside our valley
  • Unseemly Phallus: Increases Ritual magic if a Trickster is on the ring during Sacred Time
  • Uralda's Soothing Bell: Grants resilience in the face of Chaos
  • Urgrain's Coin: A silver coin with a head labelled ‘Bad King Urgrain,’ and a Vingkotling helm and sword on the other side
  • Wand of Vestenan: One of the Four Kingdoms treasures, which helps devotees of Orlanth, Humakt and Urox perform magic
  • Wedding Stead Key: Enables travel to the wedding of Orlanth and Ernalda, and helps when defenses are threatened
  • Wedding Wreath Blossom: Enables travel to the wedding of Orlanth and Ernalda, and blesses Inilla worshippers.
  • Whirlwind Jar: Break the jar before a battle to unleash a killing storm
  • Wide Ditch Banner: Banner decreases magnitude of defeat when defending against Wheels
  • Wine Drop: Enables travel to the wedding of Orlanth and Ernalda, and aids when friends clash
  • Wolf Totem: Increases the yield of the Hunting venture
  • Wolverine Totem: Strengthens grudge holders


While most treasures are not depicted in the game, a few feature in events. 

Concept art[]
