Six Ages Wiki


While exploring, <Explorer>'s exploration party spots very strange outlanders, pointing metal staves at the ground. Clean, well-fed and richly attired, they have somehow escaped the deprivations of the Chaos era. They react to the party's appearance with nervous surprise.
  1. Attack.
  2. Command them to withdraw.
  3. Demand a gift.
  4. Leave them be.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you successfully attack them, your party will slay them before they can ready their magic. Your party will glimpse splendidly armored figures through the portal, which will then vanish. Looting their bodies will yield some goods and a treasure, the Other Side Implement. If Beren and Redalda's blessing is dealing with outsiders, you also gain +1 Magic.

If you command them to withdraw, their leader may become outraged and say, "How dare you speak so to a scholar of Jrustela?" which seems to be more information than they are supposed to reveal. The group withdraws, but your explorers fall ill shortly thereafter, which your people attribute to the implements the magicians' leader pointed at them. Mood decreases.

If you demand a gift instead, they may acquiesce and give you something that will grant you good fortune for the next year. Mood increases.

If you decide to leave them be, your people may agree that this was the wisest course of action, making your explorer more popular and causing Mood to increase.


  • "I can't even begin to guess where they're from."
  • "They're from Forosan. If that is the kingdom where the magicians come from." - uninformed explorer