“ | Now that you’ve prepared crop and pasture land, and put the finishing touches on people’s homes, it’s time to <complete/turn to> the clan hall. Three <major/main> tasks remain. Each project involves the entire clan, so you won’t be able to perform another venture this year. But a completed clan hall is a powerful symbol of unity, which will allow you to organize more ventures when it’s finally ready. | ” |
— Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind |
If you select any of the three tasks, you cannot perform any other venture this year, so if there's anything you absolutely need to do, you might want to put the matter off by saying that the clan needs to do other things. However, you'll want to finish the clan hall at some point, and the sooner the better.
Also, if you choose a task, you will not be able to choose who leads the venture; the default choice will be selected for you.
After this, the tasks you do not choose will appear as part of the regular venture selection menu.
Decorating the interior requires 50 goods and will not appear as an option if you don't have them available. It tests Treasures (likely Bargaining + Magic). Failure wastes goods. A skilled leader may be able to save you some goods, using less than the estimated 50. Magic dedicated to Crafts during Sacred Time also helps. If your clan manages to complete the decorating with less than 50 goods, Mood improves.
Holding a feast tests Food. It may not show up as an option if your food supplies are low.
Consecrating the hall requires a sacrifice worth at least five cows. Note that if you perform this as a regular venture the amount will be decided for you, but if you do it here you will have to decide how much to sacrifice. Tests Magic.
It's good to complete these three ventures as soon as possible, as a completed clan hall allows you to coordinate two ventures a year instead of just one.
- "If we do nothing, people <complain/will gripe>. But they would probably not protest too strongly." - Chief
- "Not only will our crafters be busy with hangings and carvings, we also need to devote at least 50 cows worth of goods to decorating. We might want to wait until we have more." - Ekarna worshiper
- "Tradition says that the decoration should be first." - Relandar worshiper
- "And the priests say that gods are more reliable than spirits! Needing a larger than usual sacrifice doesn't seem reliable to me." - Shaman
- "Our ancestors carried decorations from Nivorah when they had to leave. Our father and brother clans have some of those now. We need to make more ornamentation that our descendants can one day carry to new lands."
- "We should sacrifice only horses, to show the gods we value them above all the other animals."
- "Everyone in the clan will prepare traditional food. The feast will dip into our food reserves, but at least that won't risk hunger right afterwards."
- "We'll need to perform an especially lavish sacrifice, maybe worth a dozen or so cows, to be sure the gods accept it. Now may be the time, since we have a reasonable amount of wealth."
- "Yes, let's finish the halls."
- "I would be happy to decorate with Raven droppings, if you know what I mean. Either that or help eat." - Raven trickster