Teghern is a Chaos god sometimes known as the Teller of Lies or Maker of Lies. He fought Elmal in the distant past and was slain by him. However, since those times, he has come back to life and, by the time of the Chaos Age, he plagues the world once more. Maybe because of their connection with Elmal, Teghern holds a particular grudge against the clan of Berenstead.
It is he who sends the three great monsters (or demigods)—the Eater of Skin, the Author of Sores, and Maker of Bad Growth—to attack Elmal as he guards Orlanth's fortress. Note that the names of the first two monsters are occasionally used to refer to Teghern himself, possibly indicating they are his avatars or incarnations.
Lights Going Out[]
Teghern first appears in Lights Going Out. While he is not the most powerful Chaos god you meet in the game, he has a personal vendetta against your clan and is the Chaos deity that vexes you most often. Thus, he can be considered the game's main antagonist of sorts.
Your clan ring has the following to say about Teghern:
- "That's no mere creature. Teghern is an evil god."
- "Teghern is Elmal's special Chaos foe. Beyond that, little is known of him."
- "Elmal slew Teghern before joining the Storm Tribe. Yet in the Gods War all events happen at once, so here it is, before us now."
- "Elmal will be the last of our gods to die. Will it be Teghern who slays him?"
- "The stories we tell, including the battle between Elmal and Teghern, are a human way of imposing order on jumbled cosmic events."
- "Eurmal plays tricks, to show us other ways. Teghern tells lies, to destroy truth."
- "In the tales, Elmal slew Teghern long ago. But time means nothing to the gods, so Teghern doesn't know that he was killed. Or maybe will be killed."
- "Teghern is Eater of Skin, Author of Sores, and the Maker of Lies."
Teghern appears in the following Lights Going Out events:
- Clan Bargains With Teghern
- Teghern Hunger Curse
- Teghern Offers Crown
- Teghern Visit
- Teghern's Food Poem
- Teghern's Reveal
- Teghern's Reward
- Teghern Taunts You
He is also mentioned in numerous other events.
Myths & Rituals[]
Teghern is one of the dangers your explorer might encounter if they traverse through one of tears into the Gods War that can appear on the map. See the Gods War event Other Side: Chaos Gods Encounter. You will also meet him in the Dead World, see Dead World: Masked Teghern Offer Food, Dead World: Teghern Confrontation, and, possibly, Dead World: I Fought We Won.
Other Stories[]
For more on Teghern, see his entry on the Glorantha wiki here.