“ | Wandering solar priests offer you a holy item—a fallen shard of the sun in the shape of a man. "Until recently he walked and talked and imparted secrets of the dying sky," they say. "Now he has lost his locomotion, and our aging limbs sadly cannot carry him much longer. It is only fitting that you, who brought the fire gods to Orlanth's court, accept this treasure. In exchange for proper payment, of course." They ask for portable goods worth 50 cows.
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
If you accept , you will lose the 50 cows worth of goods in exchange for the statue. You will not receive a treasure, like they say, however. Instead, the statue will disappear the next night, but your notable solar devotees will be strengthened in all their endeavors for many (e.g. eleven in one playthrough) years. Alternatively, you may receive the Golden Man statue as a treasure, only for it to disappear at the end of the next Fire Season; however, your notable solar devotees will still be strengthened, as above.
If you offer 10 cows worth to lead a solar ceremony featuring the statue, they may agree. The rite momentarily fills your ritual grounds with sunlight radiating from the statue. Your Clan Magic will significantly increase.
- "Out of the question!" - Iverlantho
- "We mustn't offend them." - Venef
- "Uninteresting." - Kerenna
- "These priests command influence among the Rider and Wheel clans." - Reda/Diplomat
- "A rite will confer <great/considerable> benefit." - Dresta/Magician
- "The differences between sun and storm have never troubled Dostal." - Hanth/Dostal devotee
- "We stopped bowing to the sun when we converted to Orlanth." - Orlanth devotee
- "The acquisition might please our solar-side ancestors." - Ancestor worshiper
- "I sense a trick." - Eurmal trickster
- "I swear that Golden Man looks familiar. Then again, all of them looks the same." - Returner
- "They are of the valley, but not beholden to clans. People don't want to risk dealing with them."
- "When Elmal confronted the Golden Men, they were called the Small Suns."
- "These statues are known to disappear at nightfall."
- "A feast will ease our worries."
- "It's certainly shiny."