“ | You get the sense that the <Wheel Clan> fear you a little. As Wheels, outnumbered in the valley, and fervently committed to their ways, they make a point of never showing weakness. Yet when your emissaries and traders cross paths with them, you can tell they’re nervous.
” |
— Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind |
Before considering a large attack, check the season--it's not a good idea to take your farmers away from the fields if it's time to plant or harvest.
If you want to demand tribute, send a good diplomat with an impressive escort. Success will cause them to fear you, give you the goods that you demand, and increase Mood.
A successful whooping run can increase their fear of you. This is a test of Intimidation (likely Combat + Diplomacy) failing kills the leader
This event has a counterpart in Striking Fear Into Riders. There is probably also an equivalent for Striking Fear Into Rams.
- "The more you threaten a Wheel, the braver he gets."
- "When we fled the ice, the Wheels said, 'You are our serfs,' We said, 'Here are our swords.'"
- "A full raid now will prevent us from tending our fields." - If it's not Fire Season
- "A whoop would give us the best results, at minimal risk."
- "The Wheels hold to more Golden City ways than we do. They subjugate their women and observe a long list of taboos."
- "A Wheel mocked me once for carefully tending to my goat." - Goat-loving circle member