“ | Skeletons, brought to your lands by Kerenna's call to Humakt's <undead> foes, startle your foragers. Only <number> of them are wounded before she arrives to hew the skeletons down. The people rejoice at this feat, which will suppress the depredations of the unliving.
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
At the start of the event, mood rises and a number of <Swords/combatants> may drop.
If you have the king toast Kerenna in the royal hall, then the people will be happy to have the king honor their skeleton-slaying hero.
If you have the ring toast Kerenna in the royal hall, <Ring Member> and <Ring Member> praise her feat with eloquence. Said praise may even be from those criticizing her in this same event.
Regardless of your choice, a neighboring clan may give you a gift and think better towards you in gratitude for drawing the undead from their lands.
If you don't ask Kerenna to stop, more undead may attack.
This event can happen to Kerenna's niece, Korestene, also.
- "I do not require praise but will accept it for the benefit of others." - Kerenna/Korestene
- "Hmpf! Humakti arrogance!" - Iverlantho
- "Let us quit while we're ahead." - Venef
- "Suppressing the undead will earn us gifts and prestige." - Reda/Rodene/Diplomat
- "<Kerenna/Korestene>, you are good at killing skeletons, and even better at false humility." - Hanth/Hanvan
- "A strike against the undead is nearly as good as a strike against all of Chaos."
- "She build upon our previous actions against Nontraya, the Undead God." - if you have successfully completed the Summons of Nontraya ritual
- "Toasting reflects well on both the recipient, and the speaker."
- "This all started when the chief's prattling friends put her nose out of joint."
- "This feat brings us a dark joy, binding us together through fear."
- "This feat has stimulated a spirit of productivity in the people. They would not feel this way had we withheld sacrifice to Humakt."
- "Time to put away the blade."
- "This may prove profitable."
- "This will be good, until it gets bad."