Six Ages Wiki

Sidar Goatfather, also known just as Goat Father, is one of the Ergeshites' most important gods. The Riders do not worship him, but do acknowledge his relationship to Uryarda the Goat Mother, who is one of their goddesses. They tend to see him either as an interloper trying to lure her away from Elmal's people, or a member of her tribe who just wants to visit.

The Sidarsi worship him as "Sidar the Horned Goat."

Ride Like the Wind[]

Sidar Goatfather first appears in Ride Like the Wind.


Your clan circle can say the following about Sidar:

  • "Goat Father appears in our stories as the interloper who tries to lead Uryarda away."

Lights Going Out[]

In Lights Going Out, you may encounter another Pure Goat People, an off-shoot of the Ergeshites, called the Sidarsi, who also worship Sidar Goatfather.

Other Stories[]

See also Sidar on the Glorantha wiki.
