Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki


Your shepherds flee in panic when juvenile broos burst from the bodies of your sheep. Adults must have infected them with their parasitic seed.
  1. Call on Nevala Sheep Mother to cure any still-infected sheep.
  2. Call on Urox to strengthen your clan against Chaos.
  3. Rouse all available warriors to hunt down the fresh-spawned broos.
  4. Slaughter all sheep in the affected pasture.
  5. "The worst has already happened."

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


At start of event, there is a malus of Herds.

If you rouse all available warriors to hunt down the fresh-spawn broos, choose a noble to lead the hunt. The juvenile broos may prove little threat, being easily slain. Mood and magic may increase.

If you slaughter all sheep in the affected pasture, you may learn there were not as many as you fears. If so, you lose a small amount of Herds, but gain in Mood.


  • "If certain of you showed more respect broos would not dare interfere with the royal clan." - Iverlantho
  • "Send me to hunt them down." - Hanth
  • "Our Voriof <shrine/temple> will assist with Nevala magic." - Magician, if you have a place of worship to Voriof
  • "If I inspect the sheep carefully I can slaughter only the infected ones."
  • "If only the shepherds had spotted the broos before they neared our precious sheep."
  • "One story says that Orlanth became Voriof in order to impregnate Nevala, who birthed the first sheep."
  • "Beren dealt with the Antler Society, whose actions brought broos to the valley."
  • "Broos are the worst!"
  • "This will keep happening if we do nothing."
  • "Call Urox, or kill them ourselves."