Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki


Scouts spot broos roaming about near your outer wildlands, and run back to inform the ring. These terrifying Chaos folk ravage every territory they invade. Those they encounter they either slay, or turn into incubators to spawn more broos.
  1. Attack them.
  2. Organize an anti-broo effort with other clans.
  3. Call on Urox, the god who fights Chaos.
  4. Seek an Uroxi war band to fight them.
  5. Hunker down and brace for trouble.


If you attack them, choose a lead noble and accompanying warriors. You may catch them by surprise to minimal casualties on your side. If broos were the Chaos monsters that killed King Vinglanth, then your ancestors will gift you with +1 Magic.

If you organize an anti-broo effort with other clans, you must first decide who to send. Success means you will hear neighbors watching out for broos and hearing about another clan intercepting and destroying a group of them.


There is a variation of this event that is triggered by a foraging expedition, see Broos Follow Foragers.


  • "My ancestor Vinglanth cannot be blamed for falling before these terrible things." - Iverlantho, if broos killed Vinglanth
  • "Nearby clans are disposed to listen." - Reda/Diplomat
  • "We have neglected diplomacy, and can't expect a fair hearing from all of our neighbors." - Reda/Diplomat, alternate
  • "No one knew why Orlanth tolerated his wild brother Urox, until the first broos showed up." - Orlanth devotee
  • "Our Urox shrine will aid us if we take the fight to them now." - if you have an Urox shrine
  • "If we built a shrine to Urox we would be better equipped to fight broos on our own." - if you don't have an Urox shrine
  • "The first broos in this valley started out as members of our clan, who called themselves the Antler Society. This was before Beren was king."
  • "Urox's strength lies in his rough masculinity."
  • "Broos <can> infect livestock, destroying entire herds."
  • "Broos can also wait."
  • "Chaos swarms the land. One of these days it will take our fortifications apart."
  • "Broos are the spawn of Ragnaglar, a treacherous brother of Storm Bull who joined the Chaos tribe."
  • "I have good ideas for fighting broos."
  • "If we withdraw behind our walls, they'll give up eventually."
  • "Everyone hates broos."