“ | Dreadful raiders with human torsos and giant scorpion bodies terrify your shepherds, carrying off several sheep. <Ring member> identifies these as scorpion folk, Chaotic monsters dedicated to slaughter and pillage. They worship Bagog, goddess of ravenous fecundity. "There are never only three of them," <he/she> says. If we don't do something about them, they'll be back"
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
On repeat events, the description simply says: "The scorpion folk came back to take more sheep."
At the start of the event, you lose a few Herds.
If you successfully send a war party after them, you'll manage to slay them and only a few of your warriors will fall ill to their stings. If scorpion men killed King Vinglanth in this game, your ancestors will grant you a small gift of Magic.
If you warn other clans, then they might find and destroy the raiding party.
If you perform a rite to Storm Bull, you must first choose how much to sacrifice to its success. Success means that your people will see a vision of Urox smashing the Scorpion Queen. The Scorpion Folk will not bother you for a while, and other Chaos creatures will be less incentivized to come to your lands also. Mood also improves.
This event can be compared to the Scorpion Folk Steal Goats one from Ride Like the Wind.
- "How dare they strike the king's flock?" - Iverlantho
- "We should improve relations with neighbors before attempting to lead them." - Reda/Diplomat
- "Urox the Storm Bull might aid us if we stomp to him. Or he could say he expects us to fight directly." - Urox devotee
- "Chaos makes wounds the world cannot heal." - Chalana Arroy devotee
- "They nest in the earth, poisoning it." - Ernalda devotee
- "Our neighbors will hear us out." - Diplomat
- "Striking against them will avenge the death of King Vinglanth, earning us an ancestral boon." - if scorpion men killed Vinglanth
- "We have more experience fighting <ogres> than scorpion men." - if another Chaos monster killed Vinglanth
- "A shrine to Urox would bolster us against these foes." - if you lack an Urox shrine
- "Chaos will get worse if we don't destroy them."
- "They'll be back no matter what."
- "If we fight, some of us will get stung. If we are lucky, it will only cause a wracking fever."
- "Uroxi war bands don't fight for free."
- "The raiders wore the runes of Chaos, Beast, and Man."
- "We grow weaker and Chaos grows stronger."
- "In Nivorah, no one needed Urox."