“ | Runes are the building blocks of Glorantha. They are symbols, archetypes, embodiments, and actual matter or energy of the mundane world. Runes originated with the very creation of Glorantha. Their precise origin is unknown. | ” |
— Six Ages manual. |
In Six Ages, runes are used on the lower right corners of Leaders' portraits to indicate their religion, with each god being represented by a rune. That may not be the only rune associated with the god, and other gods and even spirits may use the rune as well.
People also use runes on their clothing, jewelry, and (especially among the Rams) tattoos.
Runes mentioned in the manual include:
- Air: Associated with the Storm People and their gods, most prominently Orlanth.
- Darkness: Associated with trolls and their gods.
- Earth: In Six Ages, this rune is used on leaders' portraits to identify worshippers of Nyalda and Ernalda.
- Fire: Associated with the solar gods and their worshippers. In Six Ages, this rune is used to identify worshippers of Elmal. He shares it with other sky gods.
- Water: Associated with the forces of Water. Often drawn as multiple zigzag lines rather than just the one.
- Beast: Used for Dostal worshipers.
- Chaos: Any person or god with this rune would be dangerous and outcast.
- Man: A rune that often goes unmentioned, as it merely describes a humanoid form. Also represents your ancestors.
- Plant: Common to Cenala and at least one Ram goddess.
- Spirit: In Six Ages, this rune is used on leaders' portraits to identify shamans.
- Infinity
- Magic: This rune represents the Magic skill.
- Mastery: In Six Ages, this is Hyalor's rune.
These runes are associated with the Celestial Court. They are grouped in opposing pairs.
- Death (opposes Fertility): Used for Humakt worshippers.
- Fertility (opposes Death)
- Disorder (opposes Harmony)
- Harmony (opposes Disorder): Used for Erissa and Chalana Arroy worshippers.
- Fate (opposes Luck)
- Luck (opposes Fate)
- Illusion (opposes Truth): Used for Raven and Eurmal tricksters.
- Truth (opposes Illusion): Used for Relandar and Lhankor Mhy worshipers.
- Motion (opposes Stasis): Used for Zarlen and Vinga worshipers. Also found on the Traveling Stone.
- Stasis (opposes Motion)
- Communications: In Six Ages, this represents the goddess Ekarna.
There are other runes, more specific than those on this list, in some cases unique to a particular deity. Osara, Gamari, Busenari, Uryarda, Inilla and Reladivus are all represented by such runes, as is the foreign god Shargash.
According to external lists of Gloranthan runes, Gamari, Busenari, and Uryarda's runes appear to be (logically enough) Horse, Cattle, and Goat respectively, while Inilla's rune is Wilderness. Shargash's rune (seen on the shields of Alkothi soldiers) is unique to him. Osara's rune was created for her, but resembles a Sun rune sometimes used for Elmal with a stylized bow and arrow superimposed on it. And Reladivus has a variant Sun rune with rays coming only from the top half.
Although Ekarna worshippers are identified by the trade rune, Ekarna also has a rune of her own, which is composed of the runes for Communication, Harmony, and Law and resembles her trade tent.
These are the runes as they appear in the game.