Six Ages Wiki


"A delegation of priestesses from the <Ram> clan come to solicit gifts celebrating the birth of a baby girl. They say she is special because she was born to the youngest of the Three Sisters, priestesses descended from Vingkot, founder of their people, and thus also from Orlanth, their sun-slaying god. Our people considered this an odd presumption on the part of the Rams, who were foreigners and often our foes. But they did give us two of their shaggy cows, gaining hospitality from our patrols."
  1. Give them wealth.
  2. Give them the aid of a protective spirit.
  3. Give an earth magic blessing.
  4. Decline.

Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind


At the start of the event, you receive the 2 Herds.

A successful spirit blessing pleases the <Ram> clan and provides a nice bit of foreshadowing. (The text also ascribes the girl's name, Redalda, to the spirit's advice, but this is still her name even if no spirit is given to her.) If Rams are your ancestral enemies, your ancestors will be angered by this action.

A failed earth blessing will annoy the priestess greatly; after all, they have earth priestesses of their own.


The axe-wielding woman is a priestess or holy warrior of Babeester Gor, the Orlanthi goddess of vengeance and protector of the other earth goddesses.


  • "The Rams aren't as adept with spirits as we are. I can help find a good one." - Shaman
  • "We both worship an earth goddess and a cow goddess." - Relandar worshiper/Lore expert
  • "Scorning these Rams will earn us popularity."
  • "They are weaklings."
  • "Our magic is strong enough to call a useful spirit without great effort."
  • "Rams did not ask us for a natal present before razing the city of Elempur."
  • "We have goods to spare."
  • "Do we ask them for gifts every time one of us gives birth?"
  • "I have a few choice words for them."
  • "Tell them about our own remarkable child, Beren."
  • "I'm not sure about this."