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Six Ages Wiki


<Reda/Rodene> reports an alarming manifestation she saw in the wildlands. Part of the world directly in front of her simply disappeared, replaced by nothingness. Her terrified horse nearly threw her off. She did not dare approach the world hole, watching it until it sealed up an hour or so later. In response, <Sereden/Serestev> asks, "Is this not delightful? Could we ask for a clearer sign that the world asks us to see past it?" <Reda/Rodene>, normally calm and judicious, flies into a rage. She gathers a fair-sized group of comrades to demand that <Sereden/Serestev> and his followers show basic common sense, or face clan censure.
  1. Demand an apology from <Sereden/Serestev>.
  2. Demand an apology from <Reda/Rodene>.
  3. Mediate their dispute.
  4. Let this blow over.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you demand an apology from <Sereden/Serestev>, he may backtrack some and admit his curiosity of the hole blind him to its danger. Though some of <Reda/Rodene>'s followers consider this a weak apology, this may still be enough to end the dispute, in which case Mood improves. Alternatively, he may not back down and question why he must apologize for seeing the world from a new angle, in which case Mood falls.

If you demand an apology from <Reda/Rodene>, she agrees that she should be used to his foolery by now and not take it as an attack on any one individual. Though some of <Sereden/Serestev>'s followers consider this a weak apology, this may still be enough to end the dispute.

If you mediate their dispute, both sides may double down on their position, the people turning on the ring for aggravating and thus prolonging the conflict; Mood falls.


This event can take place with Rodene even if Reda is alive. Might be dependent on Clan Circle presence.


  • "Surely no one here will take his side." - Reda/Rodene
  • "In any dispute, there is merit on both sides." - Venef
  • "Nonexistence and death are two different things." - Korestene/Humakt devotee
  • "Squabbling distracts not just people, but also spirits." - Dresta/Shaman
  • "There are places in this world where this has happened permanently. You can no longer go to them all." - Lhankor Mhy devotee/Lore expert
  • "<Sereden/Serestev> likes questions, and a fissure in the world is certainly that."
  • "Conflict leads to fighting, fighting leads to kinstrife, and kinstrife breeds Chaos."
  • "I don't think this is a very clear sign at all, though it must mean something."
  • "In the abstract, our people favor unusual perspectives."
  • "Mediation can be twice as hard as preassuring a single person to step down."
  • "Apologies cost nothing."