“ | While exploring Penentan, the Orlanthi kingdom to the west, <Explorer>'s expedition encounters a Penentelli defense against Chaos. They have conjured a spirit antelope to pull the ghostly chariot of their first king, Kastwall, across their Wakboth-plagued land. A host of Chaos creatures pursue it, leaving the Penentelli to work their fields in a degree of safety.
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
If you choose to depart in haste, then your explorers are likely to leave unscathed and mood may rise as your people praise the wisdom of putting the lives of your explorers first.
If you successfully choose to hang back, peppering the Chaos creatures with arrows, then you will slay many Chaos creatures. You may find loot worth a signifcant amount of goods among the dead.
If you choose to strengthen the antelope by banging spirit drums, then you may help some. You may also find some goods on your way back from the encounter.
If you wade in to battle the Chaos creatures, then you are likely to slay some of the Chaos creatures, though a few of your explorers may be injured. You may loot some goods from the battle.
- "We can well coordinate an arrow attack." - Osara devotee
- "Successful action will yield a valuable item." - Issaries devotee/Bargainer
- "People give credit to Kastwall Five for founding Penentan, but it was his wife, Penene Winter, daughter of Vingkot."
- "For historical reasons <our sages love to prattle about>, we call Penentan one of the southern kingdoms, even though it lies to the west of us."
- "The city of Penentelada is famed for its fortifications."
- "Better to do nothing than to make the wrong choice."
- "Doing nothing will yield nothing."
- "A type of of antelope called an ordeed was holy to their first king Kastwall Five."
- "As that infernal chariot reminds us, the Penentelli are nothing but Wheels in Orlanthi garb."