Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki

The Penentelli are a tribe of Rams who live in Penentan, to the southwest of the Black Eel Valley. They claim descent from Penene Winter, daughter of Vingkot, and their first king was named Kastwall Five. They are known for their hunting prowess. Their king employs roving bands of tax collectors who both the local Rams and visiting explorers and traders do their best to avoid and outwit. 

Like other Rams, the Penentelli cannot ride and do not keep horses. However, they ride to war in swift chariots pulled by antellope. Their king maintains a breeding population of bronze-horned ordeed to pull ceremonial chariots.  The importance they place on antelope is reflected in the horned helmets some of them wear.

As with the other Southern Rams, their kingdom is a popular destination for slave traders, particularly those selling captive Wheels

Besides herding antellopes, the Penentelli is famed for their great walled city of Penentelada, far away from the valley.

Ride Like the Wind[]

The Penentelli tribe first appears in Ride Like the Wind. It is one of the four southern Ram kingdoms that you can visit. Their king is variously named Hothang, Kelendar, Varandros or Garmath.


The Penentelli appear in the following Ride Like the Wind events: 

Aside from the illustrated event, explorers in Penentan may meet the Jaroling clan, who are willing to trade with outsiders and to provide advice to avoid the royal tax collectors—which the explorers may or may not succeed in doing.


The clan circle says: 

  • "Penentan is the westernmost of the southern Ram kingdoms. They use the ordeed to pull a coronation chariot, which has great magical powers." 

Lights Going Out[]

The Penentelli returns in Lights Going Out. Like everyone else, they too have fallen on hard times in the Chaos Age. Having forgotten how to build chariots, when their lands become beset by Chaos, they had no choice but to hunker down in their walled city, Penentelada, and summon the ghosts of their ancient kings to defend them.

On Exploration, there is a chance of finding the Antler of Penentan, one of the Four Kingdoms treasures, here.

Over the course of the game, you may hear the following reports:

The <Other Clan>s adopted refugees from Penentan. These folk came to our valley to escape the destruction Chaos has visited on the lands to the south. Too bad they didn't approach us; we could have used the extra Swords.
The <Other Clan>s sent warriors to help a Penentelli noble, and were richly rewarded. For a time, they may have a little extra wealth, if we want to sell anything.


The Penentelli appear in the following Lights Going Out events:


The clan ring says:

  • "For historical reasons <our sages love to prattle about>, we call Penentan one of the southern kingdoms, even though it lies to the west of us."
  • "People give credit to Kastwall Five for founding Penentan, but it was his wife, Penene Winter, daughter of Vingkot."
  • "A type of antelope called an ordeed was holy to their first king, Kastwall Five."
  • "The city of Penentelada is famed for its fortifications."
  • "The Penentelli are much diminished but still have their sturdy walled temple city."

Other Stories[]

For more about the Penentelli tribe and its role in other times of Gloranthan history, see here.

