Six Ages Wiki


Reda arrives at the clan lands of the <Feuding Clan>s. Normally one can expect to be greeted with missiles fire when approaching the feuding clan. How does Reda attempt to earn their ears, and not their arrows?
  1. By appealing to their chieftain's daring.
  2. By appealing to their chieftain's generosity.
  3. By asking Redalda to send the sound of sacred hooves.
  4. By trusting them to have received needful omens.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


By appealing to their chieftain's daring might work, if the cheftain is indeed daring.

Asking Redalda may help even if the feuding clan worships another horse goddess, like Gamari (though what happens if you try this with the Deleskarings is unknown). It is possible that sacrificing to Redalda in the previous event may help.

If you earn the right to approach the feuding clan by any method, they will tell you that Reda can earn their friendship by finding a way to repell their old foe, the Twisted Ones, followers of the Chaos god Tyram Sky Eater, before their return impending arrival. Reda rides deper into the Partial Path to find the answer.



If the event happens late, there is an alternate illustration showing elderly Reda.

This event may instead be centred on Reda's daughter, Rodene, if Reda herself is not available.


  • "They do not worship Redalda, but they still venerate a horse goddess." - Reda, if the feuding clan are Riders or Wheels
  • "Their chief is known for daring deeds and generosity."