Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki


<Name> a hunter of the <Clan A> clan, comes offering pelts for trade, and news of a surprising plan promoted by the <Clan B> clan. They propose an extraordinary ride into the Gods War that takes advantage of the place's essential timelessness. They say that their seeker can ride past the present story, where Orlanth and Ernalda are dead, to an older story where that has not happened yet. They're enslisting allies to aid them in this mission, which will supposedly reap an unimaginable boon. "What fools!" laugh <Name>. "Freedom from time is for the gods, not mortals. The <Clan B>s will all die!"
  1. Figure out how you might beat them to it.
  2. Hold them as an example of reckless leadership.
  3. Offer to join them.
  4. Go about your business.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you try and figure out how you might beat them to it your lorespeakers will indeed say it is possible. This eventually leads to the Gods War Wedding Competition event.


This event is an alternative to the Gods War Wedding Proposal event, wherein it is a member of your clan that propose the idea first.


  • "As royal clan, we should be leading any such effort." - Iverlantho
  • "I can't be responsible for a leap into disaster." - Venef, if chieftain
  • "<The <Clan B>s are apt to hear us out/The <Clan B>s disdain us>." - Reda/Rodene/Diplomat
  • "Their plan sounds absurd, but time does not govern in the divine world." - Dresta/Magician
  • "The divine realm is made up of stories. If the entity we know as Orlanth lives in any of them, we can find him." - Sereden
  • "Ernalda is the earth—she must be alive somewhere, in some sense." - Ernalda devotee
  • "The divine realm can appear contradictory to mortal minds."
  • "Orlanth is dead and never coming back."
  • "It's easier than ever to ride into the Gods War. Riding back out may be a different matter."
  • "A <Clan B> mission deep into the divine realm will cause its fatal disintegration, destroying not only them, but everyone!"
  • "I understand that clan, and can speak the right words."
  • "I was just thinking about this sort of thing last Earthday."
  • "They will give up, or fail."