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Six Ages Wiki


Nearing a vast shore in the Gods Realm, <Quester>'s questers encounter Aroka the Blue Water Dragon, who has taken hostage Orlanth's friend Heler the Rain. How do they respond?
  1. Attack with winds, as Orlanth did.
    Tests Combat vs. Monster.
  2. Bull him down, as Urox would.
    Tests Combat vs. Monster.
  3. Stab him, as Humakt would.
    Tests Combat vs. Monster.
  4. Make peace with him, as Redalda would.
    Tests Diplomacy vs. Skepticism.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


Play to your quester's strengths. Devotees of a god will have a higher chance of success if they act as their god would. Having temples or active blessings to the appropriate god also likely helps, but this has not been verified.

If you attack with winds, as Orlanth did, then the roiling wind may sweep the dragon out of the sea, allowing the quester's sword to slay it.

If you bull him down, as Urox would successfully, Aroka will be taken by surprise that you're not the storm he expected. While he is distracted, your questers will rescue Heler.

If you stab him, like Humakt would successfully, then Aroka will be slain and Heler will be freed.

If you try to make peace with him, as Redalda would, you describe Chaos to Aroka and explain to him that it is a danger to both land and sea. If you fail, he will be unconvinced, and your explorer will have to continue without having freed Heler. If you succeed, however, Aroka will proclaim Chaos hie new foe and let Heler go.

If you manage to free Heler, he will give Berenstead a rain blessing and give the quester direction of where to go next in the Gods War.


The illustration is the same as the one used for the Taming the River ritual, but for Aroka this time, and not Arcos, as in the ritual, hinting to perhaps a connection between the two dragons.


  • "I ride in search of friends." - Redalda devotee
  • "Naturally I fight as Humakt would." - Kerenna/Humakt devotee
  • "Heler is to the Water Tribe as Elmal is to Fire." - Elmal devotee
  • "You can't fight a dragon with hunter's guile." - Dostal devotee
  • "Orlanth is dead, but this is an Orlanth story." - Orlanth devotee
  • "Like Orlanth, our ancestors favor bold action." - Ancestors worshiper
  • "The correct way, according to the tales, would be the Orlanth way."