“ | When <Explorer> draws <his/her> sword, the so-called people of the Antler Society reveal themselves as broos. These particular specimens radiate the power and confidence of malign heroes.
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
Play to your explorer's strengths.
If you fight with ferocity, and fail, the broos might kill all the questers. Fortunately, Beren survives though.
Fight with knowledge if your explorer expresses knowledge about their soft parts, as this is exploited to great effect. Beren too joins in the fight. Regardless, several of <Explorer>'s party may be slain. Beren also mourns the fallen and congratulates you before sending you on your way.
If you fight with the power of hope, it may prove stronger than the broos' cruelty. However, you may incur some casualties.
If you join the fray without hesitation, you may take both the broos and Beren by surprise. If so, the battle is likely to result in victory, but with some casualties.
The variation of the event you receive when not accompanied by Beren is Other Side: Broos Infestation.