Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki

Elmal guards the gate of Orlanthstead.

Orlanthstead is the home of Orlanth's divine clan, and shelters the Orlanthi dead.

Since the death of Orlanth, Elmal has been tasked with the guardianship of his home.

Berenstead is a mortal mirror to Orlanthstead.

Lights Going Out[]

Orlanthstead appears for the first time in Lights Going Out.


Of Orlanthstead, your clan ring has the following to say:

  • "If Elmal doesn’t answer us, it’s because Orlanthstead is under siege, and he is busy defending it."
  • "Elmal can always be found staunchly guarding Orlanth's citadel."
  • "When he pledged to protect Orlanthstead, Elmal brought a horse as a gift."
  • "Yinkin rules the thick forest on the way to Orlanthstead."


Besides the events concerning Orlanthstead that transpire after the Gods War gate or in the dead world (see below) you may also stumble onto it in the event Magicians Call: Orlanthstead.

It is also mentioned in a variety of events.

Myths & Rituals[]

It is the namesake of the myth How Horses Came to Orlanthstead.

You may witness Elmal defending Orlanthstead if you decide to visit him should you travel through one of the tears on the map that can lead into the Gods War. See the event Other Side: Elmal Guards Orlanthstead. You may also encounter Elmal while he still guards a nearly faded Orlanthstead inside the Dead World, see Dead World: Elmal Guards the Stead.

Other Stories[]

For more on Orlanthstead, see here on the Glorantha wiki.

