Nontraya, master of the talokan demons, murdered Ernalda.
Complete Myth[]
Nontraya the Taker and Waster is the enemy of Life. He rides a great horned wolf and gives nothing to anyone.
He was consumed with lust for Ernalda, seeking to take her away from everyone and deny her gift of Life to the world. She spurned him, and her Beloved Husband cast him down into the Underworld. Nontraya swore vengeance and created the talokan demons to get his revenge.
Nontraya swore to take Life away from Ernalda. When the sky fell in and the rivers flowed backwards, Nontraya broke the barriers that kept him and the other dead in the City of the Dead. He made himself the Undead Emperor and led the Unliving Army, a horde of the dead, demons and monsters of the Underworld, to Ernalda’s home to take the Great Goddess away.
We don’t know details of the murder, but we know that afterwards, Ernalda was sent to the Realm of the Dead.